i realized something today. there are 2 big black holes in lansing. one of them resides right down the road from sexton. see, franks a good guy, but literally, when you start regularly hanging out with him, its like getting sucked into a black hole. your life gets consumed by drugs and you have a downward spiral full of drama and unhappiness. and like i said, franks a really good guy, cool as fuck, but god damn.
the second being hanging out with joe, scott, and chris. although this one needs some explanation i guess. see, it all started last fall i think, the second time me and lindsay went out. i was going through alot, and it seemed everyone else was changing. andy was gone, joe was hanging out more with people from school, and scott wasnt the same guy he was before summer. i changed too, i know i did. but we were all still friends. but then it started. we all started to seriously put down people when they wernt around. then we would when they were around. it culminated for me a couple times. one of those times was april fools day. there were times before then that i was pissed, but that day was just bullshit. even my mom got mad at me cause of joe and scotts stupid shit. but there was just some dumb shit that wasnt even funny and it was just entirely immature and stupid. they took some meats and cheeses out of my fridge and put em around the house. so of course my mom came home, saw her salami under a table, and flipped. then they told me my mom overreacted. yeeeeaaaaahh. then the second time was just a couple weeks ago when they broke into my house to hang out with me. off the top of my head, i can see no good coming from it at all. i went crazy, my mom flipped. they embarrassed me in front of emily. overall, my retaliation wasnt handled the best of ways, but what they did was just plain immature. i'm not mad at them anymore, but i really dont know if i want to hang out with them right now. well, i'll hang out with chris, cause chris didnt really have anything to do with any of it.
thanks for taking the time to read this.
i got my light up keyboard yesterday. it rocks. it all glows and stuff. me and lindsay are on speaking terms again, which is nice. i like it over avoiding her.
gotta pick up emily at 4 tonight from eastern, then i gotta help her find a job. w00t!
i hate waking up to cold lonely bed
wishing for you to be with me instead
thinking about you all night long
then putting those thoughts into song
this song is for those frustrations i feel
its for all those wounds i need you to heal
for every minute of the day that i think about you
your very touch burned on me like a tatoo
my entire life i've been through so much
but my life wants to change just for your touch
i've had all the rough times, i know you have too
but lets re write these pages, just me and you
we'll never know what'll happen till we try
we'll never know the good things, you and i
sure bad things will happen as they always do
but as long as theres feelings, i'll always be with you
see ya in the pit,