In the Vernacular; a review

Oct 08, 2010 16:43

I feel I should preface by saying lately I've been feeling my writing degree slipping into oblivion, inches away from my gameboy, those shoes that aren't quite cute enough to make up for the fact that they pinch my feet and the idea that I will ever give up diet soda. In other words: pointless. In an effort to avoid falling victim to the 'use it or ( Read more... )

tv: bones, review

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ayiana October 8 2010, 22:44:48 UTC
This is an excellent write up, and I love the caps you included. You caught the pivotal points of the episode and tied them all together beautifully.

I especially agree with your drawing the parallel between what Cam said to Booth in 501 to what Brennan says to Hannah in 603. It's interesting to me that they're both aware of this aspect of each other's characters, and I find it ironic that it's also part of what keeps them apart. Brennan doesn't know that she can be that all-consuming passion for Booth, lives in dread of disappointing him, and therefore turned him down when he asked that they try in the 100th episode. And Booth waited as long as he did to ask the question in part because he needed to be absolutely sure he could be that person for Brennan before he went there. Yes, she turned him down, but I respect him for being sure before he put it out there, and I think that underneath the pain and denial and everything else he's dealing with right now, that's still there.

S6 is breaking my heart on a regular basis, but I respect that this is the story HH and crew need to tell, and that Booth and Brennan are both continuing to grow, despite how much it hurts, and that in the end this will be a good thing, both for them and for their eventual relationship.

And I don't hate Hannah, as so many seem to, but I can't say that I'll be sad to see her move on. She's a wonderful character, and I want her to be happy--just not with Booth. I also hate that, deliberately or not, Booth is using her--if not as a way to make Brennan jealous then as a way to try to force himself to move on. I hope she doesn't get hurt, but I'm not entirely sure I can see a way for this to end that doesn't include that, and that kind of makes me sad, too.

Guh. I hope s6 isn't all this angsty.


thesirenslure October 9 2010, 03:52:08 UTC
Thank you, this was my first time doing a full out review - as opposed to just "Hee, how adorable is Brennan?! *squee*" - so I was hoping I wasn't too monotonous, but I really enjoyed writing it! :)

The Cam/Brennan speech parallels had to be on purpose, right? The word choice, even, was too similar to have been a coincidence. Though I might be prone to reading too much into things if it WAS on purpose it's just yet another reason to love this show.

I have a feeling heartbreak and woe is going to be a major theme of season 6, but if it's crafted well it could make for an amazing season. I love GOOD angst, as long as it's kept fresh.

-if not as a way to make Brennan jealous then as a way to try to force himself to move on.
I definitely think that's a huge part of it, and I don't think it's deliberate but I think it will become obvious - if it hasn't already, I have a feeling Sweets will pick up on it, he seemed concerned about the pacing of the Hannah/Booth relationship, I hope he stays on that concern. I mentioned Sully above, and I think an exit similar to his would be good for Hannah, where she sort of realizes the relationship is not going to be for the long haul and bids farewell on her own terms. That way no one has to look bad and she gets a respectable ending. We'll see!


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