I feel I should preface by saying lately I've been feeling my writing degree slipping into oblivion, inches away from my gameboy, those shoes that aren't quite cute enough to make up for the fact that they pinch my feet and the idea that I will ever give up diet soda. In other words: pointless. In an effort to avoid falling victim to the 'use it or lose it' phenomenon, which I can already feel creeping in (I'm pretty sure there are way too many commas in that opening sentence), I felt the need to write something - anything - beyond 140 characters, beyond the bullet points and the "OMG's".
First, a semi-related aside, I have to wonder if it was a coincidence that The Big Bang Theory, Bones' time-slot competitor, had Sheldon refer to The Jersey shore as a documentary in this week's episode, just like Brennan. Curious.
Now, from the promos, I kind of figured this episode might be the throwaway comedy type, in the same vein as Double Death of the Dearly departed in season 4. Not that I count that an instant negative, as Double Death is arguably one of my favorite episodes of the series (King of the Funeral!). However, with the Jersey shore theme guaranteeing cheese, even if a mocking cheese (suppose that's anything like gouda?), I was ... let's go with tentative. But I figured, at the very least, Emily Deschanel would make me laugh.
That she did.
But something else happened: balance. I felt the episode had a really surprising and enjoyable balance of the case and the personal, the heartfelt and the ridiculous, the comedy and the drama. A trademark harmony that I considered one of the defining features of the series early on, but one that has been hit or miss in the past few years.
There were a few times while Booth and Brennan were at 'the shore' that I was hoping they'd cut to a different scene faster than they did. It was cheesy and I'm all about the second hand embarrassment. I don't watch "Jersey Shore", but more than I fear the show being over the top, I fear the parody being accurate. Which seems more likely the case if my weekly viewings of "The Soup" have taught me anything.
The jumping maggots were skin-crawl worthy (my roommate, who was eating dinner, wouldn't even finish the episode -- lightweight!), but I love when we get scenes of Hodgins with his bugs, it's so adorably disturbing (disturbingly adorable?).
"Can I squash him or does Hodgins have to interrogate me?"
A few things I learned: Antonio Sabato Jr. will always bring up memories of my soap watching days (guest star Lisa LoCicero helped, too), Emily Deschanel is adorable regardless of the material given, and I never tire of seeing alpha male Booth and how much Brennan seems to revel in that part of his personality.
Oh, and what MI2M2H6y means. Thank you, Dr. Sweets.
Though, I will say, catching the killer with no build up in the last 3 minutes of the show isn't my favorite plot devise ever. While there was a clue earlier in the episode it just felt cheap and thrown in.
BOOTH & BRENNAN (and Hannah makes three?):
THIS is what I expected from the Hannah story. I said last week I wasn't really digging it, that I wanted to but her first episode felt in your face and forced. I can eat my words, or at least start to nibble on them, and say I enjoyed the developments in the triangle-of-sorts this week. She was present but not in too many scenes and she served as a catalyst to show the connection between Booth and Brennan. Brennan knowing exactly the perfect housewarming gift for Booth and the story behind it, naturally, and Hannah getting to reap the rewards while Brennan looked just ever so slightly like a kicked bunny.
The "you're welcome" in unison at the end was a GREAT moment. Heartbreaking.
Also, the nuance of Emily/Brennan's expression when Booth saw the phone, like she was awaiting his reaction in excitement as if she'd given it to him was perfect. I love Emily Deschanel.
Brennan's speech to Hannah about not breaking Booth's heart reminded me so much of Cam's speech to Booth about not breaking Brennan's heart. Like whoa. (Horse).
CAM Be sure about your feelings because if you crack that shell and you change your mind, she'll die of loneliness before she'll ever trust anyone ever again
BRENNAN I want you to be sure about this. About you and Booth moving in together. Booth will give himself to you completely and it would be very painful for him if you aren't as serious about the relationship as he is.
This is what I wanted out of this story and I'm now hopeful for the rest of the arc. I do hope she's not in every episode, it would be overkill. I'm hoping they'll spread out the Booth/Brennan story a little better this season than they have in the past few. I think Sully was a great example of a third party roadblock done right, if they could structure Hannah in that fashion, I'd be happy.
Squintern of the week: FISHER! I love Fisher. While he's probably my third favorite intern overall, if I don't let images of Michael Grant Terry all greased up in a wifebeater sway me, that does still put him in the top half. Feels like it's a been a while since we've seen him, was his last appearance in the Avatar-promoting episode? I can't recall. So, he spent time in the 'looney bin', huh? Have to wonder if he met Zack. Or I have to wonder, at least.
"I tried to explain it's not violent death that makes me morbidly depressed. It was life."
Oh, Angela.
"I think we should also, I think we should just keep it between us until it's past the first trimester, okay?"
But first I have to tell Brennan, Cam and Booth.
It will be amusing to watch them all pretend not to have known for weeks when Hodgins finally gets to tell them and I enjoyed watching Cam and Booth find out, it was super sweet. I really wish Angela and Booth had more scenes together. I friend!ship them.
I enjoyed the scene with all of the girls together, in the first few seasons I was always rooting for more Angela/Brennan out-and-about moments, in the last few I've been wanting to see the trio of awesomeness that is Angela/Brennan/Cam all doing something together. If Hannah provides more girls-night-out type moments I'll be happy to ignore the interloper vibe.
Finally, an observation at random, in the same way that I feel Hodgins turned into TJ, I feel Cam is turning into Tamara, I've always enjoyed Cam in all her HBIC glory, but she's so nice and charming now. Her scenes with Angela and Fisher really showcased that.
I do still think the show had a stronger structure in earlier seasons, clearer and better balanced A, B and C stories, but this episode felt like it was reaching toward that again. And that? Makes me happy.
I'm super bummed to hear we're approaching another hiatus, this time due to Baseball. One more reason to remain a girlie cliche and say "I just don't get watching sports." Let's go shoe shopping and sip on diet soda.