Since it's been about a month since my last post, it's starting to get buried and I've started noticing new posts from desperate Simmers trying to install the game under the new OS, so I figured I'd post an update and lend a helping hand
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As for MTS, the only official statement I've ever seen them give about playing TS2 on Windows 8 is this: either don't bother, or run it on a virtual machine. Compatibility mode (both on x64 and x32 systems) has had spotty success for a lot of people so that could be why they weren't giving you the benefit of the doubt, but I don't think they were saying that TS2 on Windows 8 is impossible.
I'm stating on the record I did not want anything I posted on LiveJournal reposted on I was very clear in my post on that website. The person on that site expressly copied and pasted parts of my blogs onto that site without my permission.
~snotty ilk.
I'm kinda wondering if a lot of the compatibility issues are actually due to hardware issues (like unsupported integrated video cards or something) or maybe DirectX issues... but that wouldn't prevent you from installing TS2 in the first place, right? This is so confusing. D:
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