I hope you all had a beautiful holiday season and are currently enjoying the warm afterglow. We had a wonderful Christmas; my third in Canada.
My anxiety quickly improved after my first day at the Heintzman House. Christine is a great boss and I was paid well, and I start my week again tomorrow. I'm going to be sad when this job is over at the end of January. I like being able to just fall into jobs!
On the 23rd, Neomi and Jeff had a Hanukkah party at their house. It was lovely! My mom had made them a gorgeous table runner with a machine-embroidered gold menorah in the middle, and silver stars-of-David at the ends with pale-gold tassels, and they were very happy with it. She also made Elisa a tote bag with "I'm a Foster Mom" embroidered on it with a happy cat's face inside the second O and paw prints all around it. xD
On the 24th, Trev worked an opening shift and I randomly decided to do a little shopping at the mall. It's been a long time since I've possessed my own earned money, and I'd forgotten how free and independent it makes me feel. I'd also forgotten how free I really am to go wherever I please and when I please. Stupid anxiety. Anyway, so I ended up browsing Beauty Supply Outlet's OPI collection, then went to the mall and picked up some cozy, soft winter boots and a clearanced knit jacket with faux-fur details. As I walked home, I realized that I had felt ZERO anxiety. ZERO. Before Cipralex, I could barely walk out the door without having an anxiety attack from hell.
That's not to say that I don't experience severe anxiety anymore, because obviously I do. It's just not happening every waking second of my life.
That evening, we turned the tree on and listened to Christmas music. It was very relaxing and peaceful. Eventually we all got bored and decided to open gifts, and so we did! Here's what I got...
- Sephora Makeup Studio Blockbuster
- LOTS of Bath & Body Works stuff from Elisa and Neomi
- Hard Candy makeup of my choosing from Mom
- Beautiful new journal and Sharpie pens (including the steel case pen) from John
- One of those frames with the sand, glitter and water in it, and when you turn it the other way the sand and glitter slowly fall into patterns. I forget what these things are called but I LOVE THEM. I haven't had one since I was a child!
- Great odds and ends in my stocking
Plus I have a forthcoming package coming from
soulpaintedstar. I'm so excited! She's amazing!
John bought all of us a convection oven. IT'S SO PURDY. I want to cook a pizza in it!
On Christmas morning, I made cinnamon rolls while Trev ran out to the convenience store to get butter for the turkey stuffing. We made Christmas dinner together, although Trev did most of the work while I took over cleanup duty. We had turkey, the obvious stuffing, mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, veggies, Yorkshire puddings, and then pumpkin pie and egg nog for dessert. I ATE SOOOOO MUCH. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a holiday dinner that much in my life!
I was sad to see Christmas end last night. The radio station that was streaming Christmas music abruptly ceased at midnight and began playing regular music again. Argh. There are disadvantages to being a Christmas freak, let me tell you.
Today I'm meeting Trevor at work and we're going to go to Promenade Mall to check out the Boxing Day crowds. Here's hoping we don't get trampled! xD