Title: Baby Come Back
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Me no own the Avengers... if I did, I'd be a pretty happy chick.
Warning: Uhh... Dirty Jokes?
A/N:... This is La's fault. I heard this song on the radio and this popped into my head and I couldn't get it out. You've been warned.
While normalcy wasn’t something to expect when in the Avenger mansion, some days were just stranger than others. And then... there were days like this. No one was quite sure how Tony ended up floating outside Steve’s second floor window blaring ‘Baby Come Back’, but there he was, scotch in one hand, wearing the suit and a pair of sunglasses. Steve was steadfastly ignoring the man, back to the window Tony was floating before. The rest of the team including Director Fury, because Clint just couldn’t keep this to himself, stood just to the left of Tony, staring up at him.
“I’ll never get that song out of my head now...” Bruce muttered, crossing his arms.
“I am confused! Where did the Captain go? Why is the man of Iron telling him to blame him?” Thor asked, hands on his hips as he stared up at Tony.
“I’m not sure Tony knows either Thor. Happy wife, happy life and all that.” Clint said, waving a hand. “He just figured out it was easier to apologize for it and move on. As smart as he is... he’d never figure out why the Cap is mad.”
“I am even more confused. Tony does not have a wife.”
Natasha snorted, turning to head into the house. “I’m not explaining the workings of Homosexual Relationships to him.”
Director Fury shook his head, following the agent. “Not my job. Get Coulson to do it.”
“What is this, ‘Homosexual Relationship’?”
Bruce laughed, patting the man on the shoulder. “Agent Coulson will be quite happy to explain...Hey. Where’d Tony go?”
“Hey. Don’t scratch the merchandise Captain.”
“Shut up Tony and close the window.”
All three men blinked.
“Well... that’s interesting.”
“I’d rather not think about anything that just happened. Lets go inside and play Wii.”
“Calm down Thor, I’m sure you will.” Clint sighed, shaking his head.
“...At least it’s the Captain, and not a goat?”
“That’s just sick Banner.”
“I knew a man who married a sheep! She was quite fetching in her green dress.”
“...He put the sheep in a green dress?” Banner asked, turning to the god of thunder.
Clint gaped at both men. “You just heard that statement and you’re asking about the COLOR of the SHEEP’S dress? What the hell have I gotten myself in to.”
“Yes Clint! It matched her eyes.”
“Oh my god....”