Person/Character Picture Meme

Sep 14, 2009 00:08

Comment and I'll give you a character/person. Find a picture of that character/person for each category and post the results in your journal!

sprinkledonut gave me Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto. This was more difficult than expected. :/ It's made me realize just how far behind in the manga I am, though. *adds to to-do list*

A picture of the Funniest Face

A Picture Eating

A picture with an animal

This totally counts, right?

A picture with the opposite sex

He makes girls cry. The jerk.

A picture where you would have sex with them

Come on, tell me that's not sexy. Though I'd much rather Naruto get with him than myself. :P

A picture of your favourite outfit

Can we seriously just burn everything in his wardrobe?

Happiest Picture

This is the only happy picture I could find. And it involves Itachi. No wonder you are screwed in the head.

Saddest Picture

One of my favorite scenes, from my very favorite episode.

A Picture half-naked

See nearly all of Shippuden.

A picture of an outdoor activity

Sasuke is a lazy prat and doesn't do much outside except for fight.

Favorite Picture

The fangirl in me squees every time.


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