Greeting Ms. Widow and her kids.

Sep 28, 2009 15:44

At work, someone discovered a black widow holding on to her egg sack. It was pretty cool. A small, shiny, black spider no bigger than my thumbnail holding on to her egg sack with a visible red mark on her belly. Just like you see on the books.

Well being mostly boys here at the office it was decided that no matter how maternal a moment this was, this was not an appropriate place to share space. An implement of destruction was found and the duty was done.

"Whack!" went the implement of destruction.

"squish", went the little spider.

"FREEDOM", went the dozens if not hundreds of little black widows scurrying in all directions.

I didn't hear the voice of freedom at first, but I gotta tell you, it was creepy. There were so many, I just thought that they were little eggs rolling like ball bearings on the sidewalk. Then they kept rolling, and then I could just barely make out their itty bitty legs. Once I realized what they were I stepped back and shuddered.

So yeah, my next move was to look up images of brown recluses so I can identify the spiders in My house.
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