Aug 19, 2006 01:05
In the spirit of George Carlin, people I can do without:
Poor Widdle Miss Daisy Who Couldn't POSSIBLY Open That Big Ol' Door On Her Own
The building I work in has several large, glass double doors.
There are these little princesses who will walk up to the door, see someone else approaching from the other side (regardless of sex) and just stand there like a stupid cow and wait for the other person to open the door for them. EDIT: CLARIFICATION: These girls will wait there for you to open the door. Then, after you just barely get through, they scurry through the door like cockroaches, sometimes almost running into you [fucking ick] and zip through the door without so much as a, "Thank you for opening the door. I was just going to stand there all day if it weren't for you." They could easily open the other door that was right in front of them. They would rather get in your way and almost run the fuck into you.
Die, you stupid debutante bitches, die.
Next time, you're getting clocked in the head with a 12 foot steel and glass door when I pull it closed behind me.
You've been warned.