A Recipe

Mar 16, 2008 21:12

Damn, I love cookies.  I just made these awesome ones:  (They're, like, kind of healthy.)
6 Tbsp butter (melted)
3/4 cup light brown sugar
1 egg
1tsp Vanilla
1/3 cup while flour
1/3 cup whole wheat flour
3/4 tsp basking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1.5 cup oats
1 cup chopped dates
1/3 cup chocolate chips

Oven at 350 degrees.  Melt butter and stir in sugar and vanilla.  Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Stir in the butter mixture and the egg.  Add dates and chocolate.  Greased cookie sheet. Bake for 12 minutes.

This has kind of been the week of cookies.  Someone brought in girl scout cookies to work for people to buy, so I ate all those.  Now I have these new ones.  This would be a good day for me to swear never ever to eat any cookies again ever, lest I become really ill.

This last week was also an emotional-eating week (NOT a good way to eat--or deal with emotions).  I've had to deal with some really frustrating tasks and people at work, but I've actually had a lot of time this weekend to sort of think things through, and I feel (at least now, on a Sunday night) like I've been able to wrap my head around it all and move forward in a more effective way.  Let Anna S. say what she will about gastroenterologists. I'm convinced all psychiatrists are NUTS-O.  But I can deal with that.

That said, I'm suddenly feeling a little more stressed out about tomorrow being Monday.

(Sorry if this was a boring post everyone.  I'm a little out of practice.)
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