Productive but achy day

Jun 19, 2010 22:17


June 19, 2010 by Shelley Comments (0)

Just a quickie before I turn in.

Babies seem to be doing well. That singleton horse born to Ruby turns out is a girl. I have to check the four from the latest two litters. I need a good boar! The "horse" has a better coat than the others I think, but they all have nice blunt muzzles and Roman noses.

I skipped the show today and got a lot done. OMG the house SO needed vacuuming. I tend to let the housework go in lieu of gardening if it's at all nice out, but then I get tired at night and it doesn't get done then either.

After a couple hours of housework, I did some weeding and trimming. I am newly diagnosed with arthritis, mostly in my knees (funny how it all of a sudden hits you) and my legs are aching so I had to stop working. Went shopping for dog food and some toys. Dog is finally sleeping quietly in her crate and time for bed for me too!

Hey what I didn't accomplish today--there's still tomorrow. Much as I love shows, what a great feeling!
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