Jul 24, 2008 14:30
So, my doctor switched my meds...well bumped up the PPD medication that I'm on.
Yesterday it made me real sleepy all day...almost like I hadn't slept at all. Which then turns into irritability and my lack on control over my anger.
Today I feel like a new person. I really think I should be taking all my meds like she has prescribed, but one of them makes me so sleepy. I guess I just need to get over that.
But back to how I feel today.
I was actually excited to play with Brody. I wasn't worried about the things that normally give me high anxiety.
I cried I was so happy. I felt so normal.
Or what I imagine normal feels like.
It feels great to break through even this little bit.
It sucks have PPD. It really does. It makes me feel like a horrible mother. Almost selfish. And then other times it feels like everything that happens/is happening in my life or rather our life is going to be highly detrimental to my son. Almost like he's not safe. Or that the worst thing possible is going to happen.
Today I didn't feel like that. Didn't feel overwhelmed or overly tired.
This really is giving me a huge positive outlook on how things will be going on from here on out.