Title: Save Me (part 1)
Pairing: Asou Haruto (1 Litre of Tears)/Sawada Shin (Gokusen)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1723
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone or anything, the characters are both from dramas so all rights relating to the characters belong to the respective creators.
Summary: A new hospital, a new start, that's all he needs, or so he keeps telling
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Comments 5
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, I love this so much! The way you characterized them and made them meet and how they apparently resemble each other, how they seem to share something, it's awesome!
And I love how casual Shin is, while he is actually also hiding something. Just like Asou. Both of them seem troubled and sad about something from the past.
I think both Shin and Asou were two of the coolest and most interesting characters in the jdramas I've seen so far. I loved them both. And I'm so happy you took my request and make a longer story out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so curious about how this will develop! <3 I'm totally in love with it already!!!!
I love your writing and your stories <3
THANKS SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you have no idea how happy your comment makes me. Of everything I've written so far, these two are definitely the most intense characters I've written. Of course I'm really only scratching the surface with hints about them, but I was quite worried about if I could portray them well enough.
I'm so glad that you're enjoying the story too, I'm a good way through the second half so hopefully I'll be able to post that next week sometime :)
Your writing style totally got me in the mood of the fic, especially into Haruto's feelings. I remember watching the 1LOT special and feeling really sad for him <3 Can't wait to see how this will go on :)
Your comment made me really happy!
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