Title: Final Melody
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Claim: Organization XIII
Theme: #40 Music
Word Count: 211
Rating: T
Summary: In which Demyx and Sora fight to the end
Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts and Organization XIII belong to Square Enix...and Disney. :D
Against the Keyblade Master, Demyx quickly strums out a tune while at the same time trying to move faster than the boy or his friends. He almost slides across the ground, due to all of the water he has sent to attack the boy.
Demyx grins as he attacks; his tune a familiar one as bubbles of water explode in the boy’s face, knocking him onto his back and making him wince.
Demyx knows that this could be his last fight, especially seeing as how numbers eleven and twelve had easily fallen to this boy, while number five had succumbed to his friend (Lexaeus was so strong…how could he have fallen?), but he still gives it his all, summoning his water clones with a new strum of a different string, to easily do some damage…
And then…
Falling to his knees, Demyx drops his sitar, but before it touches the ground, it fades away into Nothingness and he covers his face in total defeat. He’s fading as well -he can’t stop that - but at the very least, the almost unfeeling Keyblade Master (seeing how eagerly he struck Demyx down without almost a word or a care) would remember the music while they fought.
Demyx’s song -the last tune he’ll ever play.
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