Dec 12, 2008 00:38
what. the. hulk. ?
Why is it, that there are so many pansies driving really fast cars. I see vehicles that are built for performance, and yet people drive them like golf carts. That almost makes me assume that the person is shallow, and bought the car based on looks. If you are going to dish out the cash for a Vette, drive it like Corvette. It should look like you are escaping from the police every where you go.
Speed limits. We should change that to "Speed Expectation". Two reasons, really. The first being that some of us simply have places to be, and desire more of an ability to control that with the gas pedal. The second, more valid reason, is that people will be more likely not to irritate every nerve in my body. Rochester road has a speed "limit" of 50 mph. Do you know what my typical going rate is on there? 25 flipping mph. That is under half of what people should be following to. I know, there are lots of stores and places to do things...but the main strips have huge parking lots for your minds and cars to wander. Utilize them, or I will utilize my bumper on your rear end.
Cell phones. Many of us can walk, talk, chew gum, clip our nails and eat a cheeseburger at the same time. Some of us are completely capable of talking on our cells while driving. As for you teenage, SUV driving morons will hula flowers hanging from your mirror-you should not be allowed to be fussing on your stupid pink cell phones.
Old people. Can we just have people have to re-take driver's ed at the age of 55? That would be great.
Blinker busters. Do you think that I have a psychic-ability to forsee your poor navigation skills? In case you may have thought that, I do not. It is rude to just change lanes, turn, and cross over 3 darn lanes with out warning. That, and I have noticed most of you crack-hats don't even look behind you.
anyway. I had two pears yesterday. Today I am looking forward to buying more, as I am now convinced they are the superior fruits to be found at a typical grocery store. Apples are too sweet, oranges require too much effort, bananas need peel disposal, and tomatoes too acidic... but a pear? Pearfect.
when was the last time you had one?
Really, I urge to to get one and ingest it as soon as possible.