
Feb 23, 2005 01:47

10 Things That I've Done That You Probably Haven't

1. Spent the better part of ten years travelling on the Renaissance Festival circuit.
2. Sewn hand-woven clothing for a living.
3. Put an item of clothing on Stevie Nicks.
4. Purchased a pair of leather overalls.
5. Sewn fitted clothing for an inflatable dinosaur.
6. Delivered pizza to Garrison Keillor, Gary Eichten and Paul Wellstone (on separate occasions).
7. Gone streaking in my neighborhood... at the age of six... with my older brothers... and it was my idea.
8. Tried pot at the age of ten and told my parents about it within a few hours.
9. Had the opportunity to run over Keanu Reeves.
10. Married an inflatable dinosaur.
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