I had a moment of clarity oh, I don't know, two weeks ago after my academic adviser injected me with the idea that I could graduate by the Fall semester of 2009. All of my required courses for both Summer and Fall were mapped out in a busy, but comfortable, schedule that seemed impossible to screw up. Then I remembered this is me we're talking about, and I ALWAYS find a way to screw things up.
I forgot to register for Fall.
I had all my summer classes picked out, but for some reason I completely blanked when it came time for my registration appointment and didn't even THINK to register for Fall. I don't know why- I've done it at the same time for the last three years. I just forgot.
So, there I was at 2 AM on Saturday, scrambling to sign up for whatever was left in the shit pile of classes. Sign Language? Full for Summer and Fall. Writing for Mass Media? Full for Summer at USF AND they aren't even offering it at HCC. I'm on the waiting list for Fall, but I can only imagine the excuse they give me when it's not on my schedule.
I'm so fucking done with this school. I was really looking forward to taking a few classes over the summer, but now I'm stuck taking things that barely peak my interest.
On top of that, I hate my job with a fiery passion. Good news, though- I just got a raise after being a supervisor for A FUCKING YEAR.
I could go on about how I'm unhappy with friendships (or lack thereof), and why I'm pretty sure I'll be alone forever, and money is stressing me out like no tomorrow but nobody really wants to read that crap.
My friends Ashley and Rachael have this appetizing little thing called a 'Shit Cake' that's built up of all the layers of crap that have happened to them throughout the year. We discussed at the end of '07 that the cake was abound with layers, but the next year was a fresh start.
It feels like a 10 tier chocolate 'Shit Cake' was rush ordered for 2008 and just arrived at my doorstep.