debut party!!

Jun 08, 2014 17:28

So omg it was an awesome night and I was surrounded by so much from my teacher but she couldn`t ruin my night because I had my trio of wonder women by my side and it was my night!

first let`s get the bs off my chest..
I got 15,000 yen from the night...when after the charge cost 46,000 was made...I didn`t see that money and neither did the restaurant owner, so guess who pocketed it? Sadia. First thing she said to me of the night was that I needed lipstick, was cold to my mother and Elena, I don`t know if she was nice to ozma or not (she better have). She announced that she was dancing because I had requested it...y`all know I didn`t do that lol and later found out the owner like I thought had asked if she was going to dance or not, her never asked her, I didn`t care about that but the lying is what really bothered me.

OK, but other than that all I felt was love love love and was so happy my mother could finally meet Ozma and also met Lena who is awesome in her own right and the three of them like I said formed a shield for me and gave me nothing but love and support the whole night, reminded me this was teacher/sempai/other dance friends should be doing for each other. I was a bit nervous and just wanted to dance, when I finally got on stage I felt I was flying! A couple of things went a bit off (my head band slipping, took it off, my veil not behaving=played the `oh I totally meant to do that`game). I was so happy to be able to dance to a full routine by John B, to dance to the american cabaret, turkish, armenian, persian music I love so much. I did a little persian-esc number after my full routine and then a bandari dance. Oddly enough my neck is not sore today after all the hair tossing. Also I tripped on my skirt during the bandari but caught myself, phew. Mina Saleh was here and even though I have a few side eyes for what she advertises the fact is she is very famous here so I was a bit touched she came to see my show when I don`t have a name out there yet. I will of course go see her shows and stop by her studio sometime since its so close. Nahid is playing next week so I will go see her, and called bolbol...I talked with him a bit and he told me what happened with the money but we decided that we want to work together more (without sadia, include more of my dance friends who are my sempai). I agreed, this is good I think and also I`m confident I can say my case that I`m not a 4,000 yen danceer ;). I got great feed back from ozma (note, wig clips and find my old turkish pro cymbals). All in all a wonderful night I will never forget that I`ve been waiting for for six years now! Thank you all so much for coming!
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