Donald Duck | 3/3usedthrashSeptember 4 2010, 20:13:31 UTC
Samples (Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)
First Person Sample:
[Donald's not very sure how this gadget works, but he's managed to turn video on and, as such, you are now seeing a wonderful close-up of his confused face.] What's this supposed to be, anyway? A camera? Is this getting caught on ta-- GAH! [His face shows PAIN. As he turns around, a Farfetch'd comes into view.] Why, you little... WAUGH! [Whipped with the leek again. This Farfetch'd is easily amused, it seems.] What're you laughin' at?!
[The Pokémon is pointing towards somewhere now. Those familiar with the layout of New Bark might see it's actually pointing to route 29.] Oh, right, like I'd go into the wilderness just because you know how to whack me with a... [... Epiphany!] Oh, if you don't have a name, I know what to call you...
Third Person Sample:
Oh, God. Civilization at last. Spending three days wandering in the habitat of several aggressive creatures was not his idea of a good time, so the sight of Cherrygrove's buildings was like the melodious voice of an angel descending from the sky to bathe him in glory. He decided to sit there and rest for a little while, since no Pokémon were in sight and he was five steps away from the town, anyway.
Boy, was he tired. At least he was starting to feel like he'd managed to tame his monstrous little duck, for the most part. That made it all the more satisfying to call him Scrooge, actually - ah, once everyone got to hear he'd managed to boss Scrooge around...
... He wondered when he would be able to brag about it, actually. These three or four days... he had been away from home. Away from the kids. They could take care of themselves, right? Right. If they were here, they'd probably have made it to Cherrygrove in half the time.
But still, he wasn't there for them, and that fact didn't let his worries go away.
He wondered if anyone missed him.
Probably not.
Maybe he should have just stayed in New Bark. What was the point in moving around? He wasn't going to achieve anything. He never did. And no one back home would believe any of this; they'd just chalk it up to another delusion, another empty boast.
And if Gladstone showed up here and started messing up the place with his stupid ego...
... Oh, that settled it.
Donald was going to get a move on. No arrogant idiot would get the best of him, no matter if he was there or not. And if no one believed him, so be it. He knew he was right, and he didn't care who said otherwise.
ACCEPTED!these_ballsSeptember 6 2010, 00:30:03 UTC
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Pokemon! Congratulations, you have a fun and exciting adventure awaiting you.
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(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)
First Person Sample:
[Donald's not very sure how this gadget works, but he's managed to turn video on and, as such, you are now seeing a wonderful close-up of his confused face.] What's this supposed to be, anyway? A camera? Is this getting caught on ta-- GAH! [His face shows PAIN. As he turns around, a Farfetch'd comes into view.] Why, you little... WAUGH! [Whipped with the leek again. This Farfetch'd is easily amused, it seems.] What're you laughin' at?!
[The Pokémon is pointing towards somewhere now. Those familiar with the layout of New Bark might see it's actually pointing to route 29.] Oh, right, like I'd go into the wilderness just because you know how to whack me with a... [... Epiphany!] Oh, if you don't have a name, I know what to call you...
Third Person Sample:
Oh, God. Civilization at last. Spending three days wandering in the habitat of several aggressive creatures was not his idea of a good time, so the sight of Cherrygrove's buildings was like the melodious voice of an angel descending from the sky to bathe him in glory. He decided to sit there and rest for a little while, since no Pokémon were in sight and he was five steps away from the town, anyway.
Boy, was he tired. At least he was starting to feel like he'd managed to tame his monstrous little duck, for the most part. That made it all the more satisfying to call him Scrooge, actually - ah, once everyone got to hear he'd managed to boss Scrooge around...
... He wondered when he would be able to brag about it, actually. These three or four days... he had been away from home. Away from the kids. They could take care of themselves, right? Right. If they were here, they'd probably have made it to Cherrygrove in half the time.
But still, he wasn't there for them, and that fact didn't let his worries go away.
He wondered if anyone missed him.
Probably not.
Maybe he should have just stayed in New Bark. What was the point in moving around? He wasn't going to achieve anything. He never did. And no one back home would believe any of this; they'd just chalk it up to another delusion, another empty boast.
And if Gladstone showed up here and started messing up the place with his stupid ego...
... Oh, that settled it.
Donald was going to get a move on. No arrogant idiot would get the best of him, no matter if he was there or not. And if no one believed him, so be it. He knew he was right, and he didn't care who said otherwise.
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Pokemon!
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Thank you! See you in Johto!
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