May 15, 2006 00:23
Now, very few people who most would consider evil rarely consider themselves evil, and on the ocassions when they do, they commit their evil under some sort of duress. Whether an entity, a person, a giant corporation, or an unfortunate situation drives these souls against the laws of God and man, their own laurels, their own conscience, their own sense of morality must take a backseat to some greater vision, some greater meaning. How familiar that sounds to the creed of the righteous and just.
Of course, with the percent error of this hypothesis being plus or minus 100 percent, the question remains whether good and evil can exist independently of one another. It's easy to make wild claims when you use the most extreme instances and manipulate the facts later, so we'll just throw out the whack jobs with no discernable sense of balance who do what they do for dieties, countries, or significant others.
Then we're left with the mundane, run-of-the-mill shit that I'm so accustomed to dealing with. Why don't most people steal? Our ordinary crowd would fear prison, fines, or job termination. They might even have a code of ethics that find the practice seedy or wrong. What would be the benefits of theft? It could break the cycle of working to make money to spend to live comfortably. It could "stick it to the man". I mean, "the man" is the personification of evil, so besting him is the ultimate success. Perhaps life itself pissed on our protagonist's parade, and now something that is needed is unaffordable or out of reach. It's wrong to take a person's life unless they are a total sack of shit, right? You should stop at traffic lights unless no one is around or the car can outrun the consequences, no? Just follow the trends of the masses until they agree with or, at least, become apathetic to the establishment, eh? Good and evil are not all-inclusive labels.
Values are the concepts with which you should become intimate. In a paradise devoid of evil, good becomes normal, and the world could be shattered with one act of anger, corruption, or hate. In a hell where evil lurks around every corner, one well-organized rebellion, with a carefully aimed torpedo that can penetrate an exhaust port and bring down the whole power structure, may just as easily come to pass and change everything. Good and evil need each other to remember what the whole fight is about. Don't mourn the hopelessness of Heaven on Earth, but, rather, be thankful your life has meaning, at least for this reality.
Until the next time I decide to lull you to sleep or make you lose your ass to it off, or whatever. Better yet, try to figure that sentence out. Peace, and Happy Mother's Day to those who deserve it.
--So Sayeth the Schitt