(no subject)

Aug 13, 2004 12:35

So, I had a sweet dream today. Now, for the record, I like pizza a lot, but I'm not totally obsessed with it or anything. Now that I got that out of the way, my dream last night was about pizza. I was at village crossing for some reason with Steve..... or maybe both Steve and Amy....but anyways they went into Chicago style pizza and it was open and there were the same people working there. It was awesome! For those of you who don't know, me and most of my friends used to frequent Chicago style pizza (in village crossing) and eat there a lot. I especially was there at least once every other day, no fail. Then, some old fuck who couldn't keep control of their car crashed into the window of Chicago style pizza and they closed down for repairs....then I guess they could never muster up the money to open back up, so although no-one else has taken the space yet, and I haven't seen a for rent sign, the Chicago style pizza sign was taken down and as far as I can tell they're completely gone now.

Anyways, back to my dream. I ran in to Chicago style and got a hug from the chick that always works there (I used to talk to her every day about random shit, she was pretty cool) and got some sweet pizza because they sell awesome pizza there, and it was the nicest dream I can remember having in a really really long time. Didn't mean for that to sound pathetic or anything but......damn it sucks that that pizza place closed. I actually looked up a bunch of Chicago style pizza stores when I woke up this morning in hopes of finding another close one, only to find like 10 listings of the one off touhy ave. that I had the dream about. Eh, it wouldn't have been the same anyways.

Steve left yesterday, and I found myself sad and wondering who's going to be my good friend anymore when I probably won't see him until thanksgiving or even later. Amy, I know you'll read this and think "What about me?", but no matter what you say I feel our friendship has changed. It's very possible it's changed for the better, but I just don't think I can be your best friend and your boyfriend at the same time, it's different now. I'm only your boyfriend. Since I'm on the subject, what are other peoples thoughts on this? I obviously know that you need to be friends with someone in order to start a deeper relationship and all that, but in the situation me and Amy are in, what do you think? I was one of her best friends, and she was one of mine, and then we started going out. How do you think friendships change in that situation? Do you think the friendship would override the dating relationship, or visa-versa?

Anyways, it will suck to not be able to call Steve to randomly hang out anymore. I'll have to try and visit him, and I'm sure we'll talk on the internet a lot and play a shit load of online computer games cause we're cool like that, but it still definitely sucks.

I'm not going to address my thoughts on the party they were going to throw (for taking my private pilots exam) for me other than saying it was very nice of you guys. I always knew you guys were good friends, but you really made me re-evaluate how thoughtful you can all be. Although I should mention, if I had a party with 50 people, like you were saying you had set up, the day before my exam, I would have failed. I guess it's kind of lucky things fell through. Now I've got my test this Sunday, and I'm already postponing studying for it. I just hope I can motivate my ass to study enough to pass it so I don't have to take it again, but I know it's a possibility that I won't be able to.

I want to go buy a game cube game today. I think I'm going to, because games usually make me feel a little better. It's not that I feel outright depressed, but I have that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach because of a bunch of the shit I've talked about put together. The feeling where I don't want to go crazy or anything, but I still feel bad because I kind of know things have changed for the worse and I'll have to wait until I adapt to this new set point. Oh well, at least relativity is helping me this time.

I am pretty securely never working at AS&S again, for those of you who don't know. It was an awesome job, but, thank God. I was stressed out way more than I should be this summer, and usually I'm good at keeping laid back about things. I still need practice at that. One day, I'll master the technique, and learn how to brush everything bad off as if it was nothing, but still find a lot of happiness in the good things that happen. Then you'll all notice I'm the happiest person you know/the only happy person you know. I'm working on it.

That's all for now. Sorry I'm so slow on posting in this journal, but don't take me off your friends list for it. Every once in a while, even if it's once in a long while, something will motivate me enough to write a paragraph or so (the dream) and then I will continue on with everything that's on my mind until I am done or tired of typing. So, if you like reading the journal, don't assume that I have stopped posting for good if you don't see one in a while, like I'm sure everyone does every time I don't post in a while. Have a good one guys, I'm going to game stop :).
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