Jul 28, 2004 14:38

I love worshipstalk Urban Dictionary.
Here's what they to say about Orlando Bloom

An actor plagued by millions of rabid fangirls. If I was him I would climb into the Himalayas and hide there until the fangirls calm down.

Gah! Fangirls! Oh the horror...

A man who is a movie star.His father died when he was four. He has an Older sister and a dog named maude. And was voted #19 in a hottest man mag in England.

Orlando Bloom is cool! DONT YOU KNOW IT

A good actor with two great misfortunes: his most badass movie part (Legolas) is already behind him, and he has hordes of psycho stalker fangirls on his ass 24/7. Poor guy.

I'd hate to be Orlando Bloom.

a fairy, pansy, dumbass, or however the fuck else you want to put it.

Look at that fairy over there hes such and orlando bloom!

THE hottest man alive!grat actor!

damn hes sooooo hot! and sexy

British actor with hordes of fangirls obsessing over him and hordes of menfolk hating him. A good actor, though I've seen better, and yes, he is very attractive, but not enough to make be have "instant orgasms" at the sight of him.

1)Orlando Bloom was in LoTR, PoTC, Troy, and many other movies.


Owner of the sexiest hands on the entire planet!
Also the sexiest of everything, but hands and eyes in particular!!

I take thee Orlando Bloom to be my lawfully wedded husband
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