(no subject)

Jan 12, 2014 12:41

I decided to sell my three "Lady" sets on DoA. Of course, the Lady Wizard sold first, even though IMO, it was the least pretty of the three. Not that I didn't like it or anything, but I liked the others much better, and especially the Lady Archer, which sold second.

Now it's just the Lady Thief set left, and I decided to take a sales pic of it on Rosario, so people will know it can fit that size, as well. All of the outfits have three sets of eye hooks, like a bra, on the corsets (and the overskirts for the Archer & Thief) to fit the various sizes of Volks big girls. Tightest for SD16 or SDGr, middle for SD13 or SDGr, and loosest for SD. Well, the Wizard set wasn't designed for SD, so I imagine the loosest was for SD13 or something. Whatever. Since it seems people want to find clothes for SD16, I wanted to show that it would fit them.

Also, because Rosario looks pretty fantastic in whatever she wears, so why not? ;)

Heehee. ♥

I couldn't take a full-body pic though, because she doesn't have any shoes that go with this outfit. I guess I need to buy her a pair of boots for such occasions! O: Drat, a reason to buy dollie shoes. ;x

In other news, I got some depressing work news on Friday, and while not unexpected, it still sucks. Basically, my supervisor and the people at the canine training facility in Georgia have decided that even though my dog works wonderfully in some facilities, the fact that he turns into a head-case in certain other ones and refuses to work in them means that he's going to be taken out of the program and adopted out. I'll be getting a new dog, but not for over a month at least, and in the meantime, my current dog will stay at the kennel down here. I'll take him out daily, of course, but only for walks and playtime, and his last day as a working dog was this past Thursday. He's a knucklehead and annoyed me a lot on occasions, but he was a good dog overall, and I liked him, and I'll miss him. Not really looking forward to going in tomorrow now, since I'll be working without a dog until the new one comes down. Sigh, weekends need to last longer. u_u;

rosario, work stuff, doll photos

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