Sally is pretty, hurr :B

Dec 25, 2011 13:34

Even with a defective lens, I managed to take a couple holiday-esque pictures. :B

Sally says, have a merry christmas! :3

I took this one in front of my apartment, since it's a little more scenic than the back.

And one more I took yesterday after my Ichi pictures. Hellooooo, Fall's collarbones. n_n

Well, I hope everyone's having good holidays. Mine's kind of boring, really, since I'm basically stuck in my apartment. Shouldn't have turned my work truck in Friday. :U Oh well!

I have tomorrow off too, so maybe I'll try and take some more pictures then. It's still very frustrating to have a faulty lens, though, so we'll see. Bye bye!

doll photos, sally, fall

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