(no subject)

Sep 29, 2011 20:50


(Thanks to seijikat, aeryn_aerie, & jenovan for the LJ gifts! XD <3)

I'm an old lady! ;A; And lately, I feel old, too. Mostly 'cause I get so worn out at work, out in the hot sun, and all I want to do when I get home is nap. :B

Anyways, I went home from work a little early yesterday, and was gonna take dollie pics. Buuuuuut, then I napped and was a lazyface instead, so I only have pictures of food and drinks! Ah well, maybe I'll find the energy to take those Sally/Precious pictures I've been scheming on this weekend. ;x

I went out to dinner with my friend Melissa, at this place in town called The Warehouse. It's been there for about a year, and I'd see it, closed, when we'd go downtown at night, and I always wondered about it, but was just never there while they were open. Some of Melissa's friends said it was good though, and so she suggested we go. I'm glad we did! It's a cool little place, and the food was yummy.

On to pictures! :D

Sometimes, I wish I had a wider angle lens, 'cause the interior was pretty cool looking, but I couldn't quite show it with my 50mm lens.

The place really did used to be a warehouse, but it makes for a nice restaurant.

This was Melissa's huge beer. We got there during happy hour, so it was extra large. It was an English oatmeal stout that had a very distinctive coffee flavor! I liked it.

This was my beverage, called caipirinha. They were 2-for-1, and really, really strong. O_O

Bread! It looks plain, but was really good!

My soup, which was roasted pumpkin with bacon & spiced pecans. I added salt, and think it could've used a little more bacon, but it was also yummy! (I didn't take a picture of Melissa's salad, but it was pretty impressive, too.)

Melissa's dinner was grilled flank steak & snow crab mac & cheese. I didn't try it, but she said it was awesome.

My dinner was a porterhouse pork chop, with goat cheese, apricots, apples, spiced pecans, and served on a sweet potato hoecake. After I scraped the nasty zucchini over to Melissa's plate, it was delicious! Sooo yummy, and I was totally stuffed afterwards.

Not too stuffed for dessert, though! XD I had a chocolate souffle cake with raspberry sorbet, and it was free 'cause it was my birfday! XB

So after dinner, we went to this teeny little hipster beer bar. We've been there once before, on the weekend when it was packed, but it was pretty empty last night. Of course, we got there at like, 9pm, so that's no surprise. XD It's a cute place though, even with the hipsters. XDD

And my hipster beer. It's called something like Hebrew/Terrapin, and is a little weird, but I kinda like it anyways.

And that's where I stopped taking pictures! We moseyed over to the local cupcake shop, Sarkara Sweets after beer, and each had a cupcake. I forgot to take a picture of them, though. :( Mine had wasabi garden mint icing! The girl was like, "Do you want to taste it before you decide?" and I said, "No! I've made wasabi ice cream a few times, I'm sure I'll like it!" :3 It was yum, also, but I was ready to pass out after all that food and beer and stuff after we ate them. We left, and I went to bed at like, 11pm like an old lady. XB I did have to get up early this morning though, since I had inspections to do!

Ok, so that's all of my birthday adventures, really. I've had some free food, which is always good. Today while in Jacksonville, I got free Moe's with a coupon they'd sent me, and yesterday I had free Chick-Fil-A, 'cause if you go in on your birthday and show them your ID, you get a free combo. I enjoy free things! Too bad my lotto numbers didn't win last night though, that would've been the best present. XD (Actually, I did match the powerball, so I won $6. Whoohoo! :B)

photos, i loves food, food, incoherent babble

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