(no subject)

Sep 18, 2011 21:08

So a week ago, I posted photos of Fall, and today I took and am posting pics of his bff Sally.

Yeah, it probably is about time I switch out the dolls I have out of their boxes and get some pics of other boys. >_>;;

Anyways, I went to the botanical gardens today with aeryn_aerie and took a bunch of photos. :B A bunch of Sally, a bunch of scenery & flowers, and a few wildlife photos. ^_^

Sally's not too keen on the outdoors, poor guy.

Sally & Aeryn's boy, Kuja. They look silly next to each other. XD


We saw a snake! O:

Another pretty dahlia.

Oh Sally, you're such a handsome boy. :')

Hurr, just a shot of his face. ♡

Small waterlilies! (Just to be warned, I took a lot of waterlily pictures.)

This was a little cute setup in the children's garden section. They've really added a lot of nice stuff there recently, and it's pretty good for pictures, as long as it's overcast. ^^;

Cute little flower! It's a bashful briar flower.

More waterlilies. :B

Sally decided to take a break in the scenery. XD

It's a bee!

Hey there Mister Sally Sissyface. :3

There was this patch of bamboo that they'd cut down a little while back, and I thought it looked cool, so I plopped Sally in the middle of it. O:

More prettyface, looking concerned. (Despite being overcast, it was kinda hot out and he was probably worried he'd melt.)

Probably my favorite pic of the day, Sally cools off his tired feets in a little stream.

Teehee, dollie feets! X3

Now back to scenery, fuzzy waterlilies! O:

They'd put in a ton of the huge Victorian water platters out in one of the other ponds.

For some reason though, they had bags over some of the flowers. Maybe to keep things from eating them? I dunno!


Oh hey look, more waterlilies. :B

And one last one of my Sallyface. B)

Whoohoo, dollie pics! I feel so accomplished. :')

kanapaha botanical gardens, photos, doll photos, nature, sally

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