A few requests addressed.

Nov 21, 2010 14:19

Ok, so I hate the new layout on Photobucket. It's no longer geared towards uploading and saving photos as a priority, but rather as a display. Since all of my albums are private, and I don't want people rooting through my stuff and leaving comments there, this is totally useless to me. I do not use Photobucket as if it were a social site, it is for my storage and hosting only. Argh. >:[

Anyways, I took a few photos today to answer a few of the requests I got when I asked for them recently. I haven't answered all of the requests so far, I just decided to take a few pics of a few of the individual requests I got. Was too lazy for group or couple shots. ;x

I'll have to set up and do more later, or throughout the week or something. I'm too lazy tired to keep going right now. ;o;

Oh, Chris. I only got two pics of him, alas.

Hello, Chrisface. ♥

When I looked at my tags, I found that in the last year, poor Chris had only had one photoshoot. I suck so hard at taking pictures of my dollies, don't I? T____T

And now, everyone's favorite Jerkface. Why do people like Andres??

He almost always just gazes cockily into the camera. What a naughty boy. :[

His photoshoot did get a slight interruption for a bit, though. XD

I made him wear the vest as punishment. Bastard still looks good in it, though. >:[

Whatta jerkface!

Ok, so a few people requested Andres. And I suppose he is a teeny bit cute. For a jerk. Or something. Hmph. :[

Perhaps even more shameful than Chris' poor photoshoot record is Junior's. Poor bebe!

He's very wee. Which can make it hard to take pictures of him, unfortunately. x_x

In case you've forgotten, his little bear friend is named Senhor Wellington de Cuddlesworth, aka, Sr. Cuddles.
(Sr. Cuddles is Brasilian, btw.)

Junior and Sr. Cuddles are good friends.

Ah, resting time.

So I only had one Junior request, but I've been meaning to get pics of him for a while now. I did take him to Dolpa with me, but didn't manage to take any photos of him. Umm, oops. XB I dunno, I just haven't been in a photo-taking mood for a while now, I guess. :(

Anyways, I did also take a couple Leonidas pics and I was gonna post them, until I realized they not only sucked, but looked exactly like the last photos I took of him. I guess I'll have to re-dress him and then try again, or something. Poor sweetie Leonidas! He'll get more pics soonish.

Ok, I think it's naptime. My tum hurts, and I'm kinda tired of sitting in front of the computer. Ta!

junior, kona, andres, doll photos, chris

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