(no subject)

Oct 27, 2010 17:54

Eeee, seijikat! I got your package today! :D Heehehe, thank you! ♥♥♥ (Though it's in the fridge right now, 'cause the Florida heat made it a little squishy. XB)

I also got some Amazon packages today, but those weren't as fun. :U (Some film, and a storage container.)

Oh yeah, so, I went onto DoA today, and I rarely go there anymore, right? But I looked in the picture request section, and apparently someone had *just* quoted one of my posts and asked to see some of my Silver eyes in one of my Micheles. I wasn't real sure which pair she wanted to see, but I was bored and didn't have anything else to do, and since light was running out, I just put both pairs into both Micheles and snapped a couple photos. They're not very good, and the lighting sucks (stupid weak sun kept hiding behind clouds) but, yeah.

Three photos of cute Michele boys. :3

These are my light blue x pink Silvers, modeled by the naughty lovely Thales.

And here are the pink x light blue Silvers, modeled by little Arch.

Whee, Micheles are such cute mouth breathers dollie boys! X3 ♥

Hahaha, yeah, I know Michele is a funny looking sculpt, but I still love my little blond cutiepies. ^_^

Uhhhhhhh, ok, I have nothing else to say. :B

thales, doll photos, arch

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