
May 02, 2009 12:13

I suck at cooking eggs. :(

My ingredients. Sorry for the non-rotated pic.

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into? D:

Eggs with my fillings. If I'd realized the eggs were gonna be so much, I would've cut up two tomatoes and two green onions instead of one of each. :/

Ok, so I kinda messed it up trying to fold it over. Eggs hate me. x_x


Uhh, it was a little big. :x

Final breakfast! I cut it in half and had some yummy toats with it. Yes, toats. heartflood knows what I'm talking about. XD

And that concludes my adventures in omelette! It was very nerve-wracking. I think I just need to get rich and hire an omelette chef in the future. ;x

photos, via ljapp, food

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