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Apr 30, 2009 20:01

So last year, I did a One Year with Nomiki retrospective for his anniversary day. Today I just snapped a few pictures of my most adorable grump for his two year anniversary. XD

Oh man, how I loves my Nomikins. ♥

Those pouty, puffy lips are just the best. n_n

My darling. :3 He's wearing a shirt that aeryn_aerie made for him! :D

Sassy, as always. O:

What a little sweetheart. X3

Oh, Nomiki. You little diva, you. ♥

Geez, I love me some Nomiki. I just can't say it enough. X3 He makes me so happy! And I can't believe it's already been two whole years! O:

He's always been an upstaging little thing; before he came home, I had planned to take Sy and Luke to NY Dolpa in 2007. Afterwards, well, Sy still hasn't been. XD; I just had to take my cute little grumpy boy! He is totally spoiled, but I just love spoiling him so much it can't be helped. X3 Ah well, what can you do? Buy him more stuff and give him candies, that's what! O: (Speaking of, we're still waiting on his Mio goodies. He'll be spoiled some more soon enough!)

Well, I just can't think of much else to say that's not more repetitive, constant gushing about how much I loves my little boy. I think you all are well aware by now of that. ♥

Happy two years, Nomi! :3

i loves my dollies, nomiki, doll photos, arrival anniversary

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