Jun 18, 2006 16:23
Chocolate-Coconut Meringue Pie.
The more I bake pies, the better I get. I've never been much for the cream pies--except Boston cream pies, which are really cakes--so I thought I'd give baking one a whirl. It's ridiculously easy. Fruit pies are so much more beautiful in the making, refreshing in the eating, but you have to have an audience for pie. People tend to be opinionated about fruit. Some hate the strawberry-rhubarb, some don't care for peach or cherry, but I like sour-sweet pies.
Apple pie, is of course, the perennial favorite. As I said, I like sour pies, so making one with half green apple, half red apple is one I like to do. But the real secret to an apple pie, I believe, is to add a little pear. Say, one pear for every four apples. Braeburn apples are best for pies or eating in general. MacIntosh, I find are a little too gritty.
I've yet to attempt a pecan pie, which is a beast all its own. Pecans are delicious, though. As a tween in Alabama, my friend Aira and I used to climb trees in our bare feet and eat cheese and onion sandwiches on whole wheat with mustard. We'd pick pecans off the ground and crack them open with our fists. You'd get two pecans and hold them just so, and then squeeze until they cracked against each other, then you'd pick out the meat.