Tomorrow is the last day that I have to squirt horrible goo into Rosa's ears, and she is now fit for a starring role in Grease. She really doesn't like it, but she's very forgiving and she seems to feel a lot better now. Her appetite has improved too, which is a good sign, but a bit of a problem, since the kibble that works for her digestion also makes her tummy grow extra squishy bits.
So today I bought her one of
these, and put her kibble in it. According to Rosa, it's just one more nefarious way to be cruel to cats. The idea is to make the cat work for her food. "What!" I hear you say, "make a cat work for her food! The very thought!" And Rosa agrees. She informs me that she will sit in the middle of the floor and complain until I come to my senses, just like people did in Egypt, where they, incidentally, know how to treat a cat. (Or used to, anyway.)
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