Follow You Home - Prologue

Mar 05, 2011 12:21


The church was silent.

Outside, the world continued to turn, unaware of the crisis that had just been averted. Mothers sang to their babies, cradling them tight. Couples walked their dogs, laughing at the antics of their pets. Families continued their anxious vigils at hospital bedsides. But, to Sam, the only thing that mattered was a dead vessel lying in the middle of a church.

Hunger. Thirst. Hunger and thirst. Her blood was still fresh and all he wanted -needed - to do was drink. But he couldn’t, he shouldn’t feel this need to drink. There was no reason to, not anymore; she was dead and Dean was right there and-

He sank down onto the floor, clenching his fists, shaking from the effort that it took to control the urge. He was tired, weak and he needed blood.

He couldn’t. It was wrong. Lilith was dead. It was over. But everything was wrong.

Across the room, Dean leaned against the doors watching his brother struggle. He wanted to help him, wanted to walk over and pull him in close, hold him until the pain - the hurt - was gone. He couldn’t. Everything was still too raw; he couldn’t stop thinking about the fight, about the blood, about how Sam had just walked away and left him. Again.

He’d tried. He’d tried so much to help his brother. Even when he’d found out about Ruby, about the blood, he’d tried. He had nothing left to give, couldn’t do it anymore. If Sam was going to beat the addiction, he’d have to do it himself.

Sam pushed himself up off the floor, forced himself to turn away from the blood, from Lilith, and walked slowly towards Dean. He opened his mouth, tried to say the words but he couldn’t speak. There was nothing he could say to make it okay, to make Dean stop hurting. He shivered as want inhabited his body and shook his head; he wasn’t going to give in to it. Not again. Not in front of Dean. He reached his brother and stood next to him, their arms touching, and pretended not to notice Dean’s flinch.  He bit his lip, dug his nails into his palms and frowned as he felt something wet on his face.

He sobbed, turning his head down into Dean’s neck. Dean didn’t move.

And still, the church was silent.

Chapter One

fic, loveyoulikesin, sam/dean, fic: follow you home

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