(no subject)

Jan 28, 2011 14:38

Hey guys :) Well, today has been a bit pointless - everything seems to be getting cancelled! I'm going to make a list of them:

1) SPN being postponed - I was pretty annoyed by this because it's such short notice and it was supposed to be my little reward to myself for concentrating during my exams! Anyway, I'm going to watch Leverage tonight and that can be my reward instead. I've been reading some Nate/Eliot fics, by the way, and I've enjoyed them.

2)History. Our teacher wasn't in but left instructions asking us to stay in the room for the two hour lesson in case he managed to get into school at some point. So we all got our books out and opened them and then sat and talked for the whole double lesson which was kind of fun but I'd have prefered to be working/at home.

3)English. The teacher had booked tutorials for today so we went to get signed in for the register and then that's all we had to do. So, yeah, I didn't have any lessons today but still managed to spend the whole morning at school.

4) We had to cancel our lunch out :( K is ill and we didn't really want to do it without him so we're putting it off until next week instead.

Note to self: Do not make any important decisions today. Things will go wrong!

For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, can you please take a look at this post here. It's about a friends cut and it's pretty important.

Letter meme day sixteen - someone who isn't in your state/country


You might actually be in my country at the moment. Hmm. I think it's still okay to write to you though because you weren't born here and, although you spend a lot of time here studying at the moment, I don't think you consider it home. Plus, even when you're in the UK, you're at the opposite end of the country to me.

We don't know each other very well at all. We met about four years ago now while I was on holiday and I fell in love with the place that you call home. I was actually really upset that year when I went back and you weren't there so it was great to catch up with you again in 2010. I haven't been in touch with you since Christmas time so I hope you're okay :) And just so you know, I think you're really cute and I really need to find out how old you are. I don't think you're that much older that me, a few years at the most but it'd be awful if you're actually older than I think you are!

Take care,


friends, lettermeme, real life, supernatural, leverage

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