Fic: No More Waiting (Sam/Dean)

Dec 17, 2010 20:07

This one was a bit of a challenge for me - trinipedia  asked for toppy!Dean which is different to how I usually write him. I hope I pulled it off! Bb, I really love talking to you and I’m really glad you stepped in to reassure me that first time when I was worrying about the challenge. Merry Christmas!

Title: No More Waiting

Pairing: Dean/Sam

Summary: Sam flirts. Dean snaps.

Dean leaned against the bar, waiting as the leggy brunette prepared the drinks that he’d just ordered. She was taking her time with it, glancing up at him every few seconds, a deceptively coy smile playing on her lips. He’d played along with it the first few times he’d ordered drinks, had smirked back at her, flirted a little, but now, her routine was getting old. He shook his head as she looked back up again, twisted away slightly so that he could see Sam, and frowned. It looked like Sam had his own admirer.

Over by the pool table, where they’d been hanging out looking for someone to hustle, Sam was standing talking to a guy who, for once, was actually as tall - and almost as well built - as Sam. Resting back against the pool table, Sam looked totally at ease as he talked with the guy. His smile was genuine, his laughter loud and heartfelt. Dean hated it. It had been forever since he’d heard Sam laugh with him like that, too long since they’d just talked about nothing and everything.

The girl behind the bar coughed, and he turned around to see that she had finally finished their drinks. Scowl still fixed in place, he handed over the money and took the drinks from her, ignoring the napkin where she’d written her number.

Sam was still laughing when Dean reached the pool table, and he reached over and took his drink without even glancing at Dean. The guy glanced sideways at him and smiled. He didn’t smile back. Instead, he took a drink from his beer and stepped next to Sam, leaning next to him so that their hips were touching. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the brunette nod knowingly and he smirked, just stayed silent as Sam continued talking. They were left alone before long and he shifted ever so slightly away from Sam, watching the man’s back as he walked away.


“What?” He went to take another drink of his beer, found the bottle empty and held his hand out for Sam’s instead.

“I thought we were getting along.”

“We are getting along, Sammy.”

“No, not- never mind.” He shook his head and reached out to take his beer back from Dean.

He shrugged and shoved his right hand into the back pocket of his jeans as he looked around the bar. The brunette at the bar had moved onto flirting with someone new, as had the man that had been talking to Sam, although he kept shooting glances back their way.

“Another round?” Sam stood up, pulling out his wallet as he spoke.

“Nah, I’m done. Come on.” He started walking to the door, smiled when he heard Sam follow him.

The bar was only a couple of blocks from the motel where they were staying so they’d walked. Now though, it was raining, a fine drizzle that was somehow still leaving them soaked through. Still, Dean didn’t hurry. Sam walked alongside him in long strides, slowing down every few minutes to keep pace with Dean.

They reached the motel’s parking lot and began to cross it, stopping off at the Impala so that Dean could check that it was alright. Sam leaned against the side as Dean ran his hands over the hood. His hand came away wet and he wiped it on his jeans before turning to look at Sam.

“That guy - would you have gone with him?”

Sam shrugged, “I - maybe, yeah. Is that a problem? I mean, I’ve always been into guys and-”

“Of course it’s a fucking problem, Sam!”

“Oh. I didn’t know you were-”

“You’re supposed to be smart, you idiot.”

He pushed himself up off the Impala, ready to shout back at Dean but he didn’t get a chance.

“Sam, you’re just - just-fuck.” He surged forwards, pressing Sam back up against the Impala. Sam tried to stand up again but he pushed him back down, leaned down and pressed his lips to Sam’s.

Sam didn’t kiss back, and Dean swore against his mouth, bit down on Sam’s bottom lip until he opened his mouth. And then it was on. He slid his tongue over Sam’s, grasped his hips when Sam moaned. He pulled back, took in the dazed look in Sam’s eyes.

“Sam, it makes me so fucking jealous when I see people flirting with you like that.” He stepped back, giving his brother some room to move, to think, but not enough room to run.

“Dean,” He ran his hand through his hair, bit his lip, “Why didn’t you just say?” Sam took a step forward and kissed the corner of Dean’s mouth, grinning when Dean turned his head, deepening the kiss.

“We should,” Dean ran a thumb over Sam’s clothed hip, “We should go inside.”

He smirked, “You’re not just going to undress me right here and now, on top of the car?”

“No. We’ll save that for tomorrow, come on.” He tugged Sam towards the motel room, waited while his younger brother pulled the key out of his pocket and opened the door. Wrapping an arm around Sam’s waist, he pulled him back so that he was pressed totally against him and pressed his lips to the back of Sam’s neck. Then, grinning, he gave Sam a shove, sending him stumbling into the room. He pulled the door closed behind him, looked at Sam who was already pulling his shirt off and began to walk towards him. They had a whole lot of work to do.

friends, christmas!fic, sam/dean

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