Beacon Hills Challenge Entry: Challenge 12 - Tell Me Your Favourite

May 06, 2014 12:07

Some of my Teen Wolf favourites

Favourite Character - Isaac Lahey:

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teen wolf, beacon hills, 2014, icons, challenge entry

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Comments 3

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theron09 May 6 2014, 16:35:26 UTC
It's definitely one of the best plotted arcs Teen Wolf's had, I think. It all makes sense and the mystery was fun and it developed a lot of the characters and also GIANT LIZARD!


malicat May 6 2014, 15:57:12 UTC
I'm gonna pick the Kanima thing for best arc too! And yay,Night School. It's not really my favorite episode or anything but pretty much everyone hates it and I just don't understand?


theron09 May 6 2014, 16:36:54 UTC
Awesome - great minds!

Yeah, I really like Night School, don't quite get all the negativity around it because it's just so full of trope-y goodness - so I thought I'd give it some love!!


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