Leverage 4.13 Episode Reaction

Dec 12, 2011 13:46

This episode of Leverage was just fantastic. I think the writers have taken a risk by going with this idea - the girls night then the boys night, especially straight after The Office Job which was also different to normal - but it really worked so, so well!

One of my favourite things about this episode was how well it included Tara and Peggy -having them both back at the same time was so interesting. Getting to learn more about Peggy’s character was great. I loved her hitting the guy with the pan and I really found it funny how she just accepted things at the end and went back to talking about a book club!

Getting to see Tara’s grifting style contrasted with Sophie’s, as well as see them work together, was even better. I personally like Tara but I know some people didn’t in Season 2 and I’ve always said that more people might have liked her if Sophie had been there as well. For me, this episode really reflected that. Having them work alongside one another helped to highlight their individual talents and flaws; Tara’s badassery, Sophie’s tendency to sometimes go for elegance rather than the easier option. Sophie’s way of understanding people like the teacher, Tara’s impatience. I liked it!

I also loved the idea of ‘the lament of the grifter’. I know that it was partly meant to be a bit tongue in cheek but I think it was one of the things that stood out in this episode for me because, despite their different styles, Tara and Sophie do understand each other well. They both know what it’s like to be known by a different name in every city, to have cover stories get mixed up etc. Considering Sophie’s identity crisis was part of the reason why, in the show, Tara initially came into the plot, I think it’s a really nice touch to get to see them discuss these things together.

I also really liked the James Bond style thief who was just sympathetic enough where you could like him; the hints of a backstory about people depending on him were also interesting (I love how Leverage does this with its characters. Introduces them in one way, makes you realise that they aren’t quite who you though they were and then leaves you wanting to know more about them.) I also loved his fanboying at Parker’s reputation :)

I know the guys weren’t in it much but I still liked their parts (and I can’t wait for next week!) The bit at the start where they were talking about Nate living inside his own head was really interesting, especially considering it seems like it’s not the first time they’ve had that discussion (‘Don’t say Maggie.’) And it just fits in so well with everything we understand about Nate’s character.
I loved the fact that Sophie asked Eliot to not let Nate go off and sulk (can’t you just tell this has happened before?!) Seriously, though, it’s this idea that they’ll all trust Eliot to watch over them.

There are probably a lot more things I could mention but I think I’ve rambled enough. All I’m going to say is that I liked this episode because it had the real light-hearted, fun aspect but it also had the type of subtle character development that Leverage does so well.

Some lines/things that made me smile/laugh:

‘Even Hardison’s got his little internet friends. I mean, they’re all elves and gnomes but’ ‘orcs, they’re orcs’

Parker getting all offended about the 20%

‘I never got your real name’ ‘Parker’ ‘Wait, the Parker?’

squee, leverage season 4, shows, episode reaction, leverage, meta

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