Two Things

Jun 27, 2011 11:35

1 -Welcome to my new friends from the Leverage Friending Meme! I'm really pleased to have some more Leverage friends on here :) If you have any questions or anything feel free to go ahead and ask :) Also, you've arrived here at a strange time because I'm in the middle of a friends cut which probably doesn't make a great first impression. Basically, though, I'm just defriending journals that haven't been updated in months and people that I never speak to. You guys are safe though and I really hope this doesn't put you off being friends with me - I've only done a friends cut once before and they're definitely not regular things!

Anyway, I have an intro post at the top of my journal and my masterpost of fics is there, too, if you're interested.

2- I'm going to be putting the comment-to-stay post up soon. That's there just in case you aren't sure whether or not you'll be staying but would like to. Please only comment if you really do want to stay and be friends - I won't be offended if you don't! Same goes if you want to defriend, go ahead and good luck for the future :)
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