Sunny Sunday

Jun 26, 2011 15:07

Today has been so awesome so far :) It's really warm outside so I've been sitting out there reading The Two Towers. I'm about half of the way through now and still really enjoying it. I'm so glad I'm getting time to read it now! It was nice to sit outside in the sun - I never tan, though! I just freckle :) I really hope it's as warm as this tomorrow so I can do some more reading outside and maybe take my laptop out and write for a while, too.

I rewatched Folsom Prison Blues yesterday, too. I really do like that episode. Season two, man, it's awesome! Speaking of, I think I'm meeting with my marathoning friends on Tuesday to watch the first half of S2 so that should be really fun :D Tuesday is also Kizzie's birthday (she's going to be three!) so me and my mum are going to take her for a long walk in the morning then my mum and sister will take her for a run at the beach in the evening while I'm out.

I'm going out again tonight - having a meal with the people who were in my French class last year. It was really nice of them to invite me along too even though I didn't do it this year :) Anyway, it's so warm and sunny that I think I'll be brave and wear a dress! My little sister has approved my choice of dress and told me to wear it with bold accessories, lol!

I have a thirty day fic meme that I snagged from the lovely sheryden so I'm going to be starting that tomorrow (mainly because I already typed up my answer to the first day but it's on my laptop and I'm too lazy to go and get it!)

Now, I want to give you all a heads-up; I think I'm going to do a friends cut soon. I just feel like my flist is quite big at the moment and there are some of you that I haven't heard from in ages/we just never connected. Anyway, I think I'll do it like last time and make a comment-to-stay post. Some of you are already on my list to stay anyway but there are some of you that I haven't spoken to much but would still like to be friends with so I'm going to give you the choice :) I really hope there won't be any hard feelings because I'm going to feel just as bad doing this f-cut as I did with the other one I did. But I talk about some pretty personal things on here so I want to know the people who are reading it, you know? Likewise, if you want to defriend me then there won't be any hard feelings on my part. I think I'll be putting the post up tomorrow/Tuesday.

Wow, I rambled on there. Sorry! I have about an hour before I need to go and start getting ready so I think I'll go and do some more reading. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your Sunday! *hugs*

friends, shows, real life, supernatural, awesome things, spn, party!!!!!!, flist, reading, yay, gandalf, important

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