Yawn. Monday morning in all of its glory. We start off with the network going down and my first thought is . Oops, gotta go home now, no sense in working. Of course in an hour it is back online. I did take something away from my hour of IT ineptitude. I don't spend enough time reading during the workweek. I am going to start with Organized To Be Your Best by Susan Silver.
The weekend found me in the garden quite a bit. I finally picked up a bag of cornmeal for the roses. With the way the worms were reacting when I pulled back the mulch and compost you would think that I was coating them for fried worm casserole. Mmmm, mmmm, good. I got through about half of them before I succumbed to the multitude of bug bites. DH and I did discuss plans for another garden bed. I am so excited about this one that I may attack it first, before I go for building the wall which has proved to be much more troublesome than I had imagined. Right now I need a place to unload all of the dirt that I am displacing. I figure the 'new' bed, in the east corner of the yard, will be a good place to conquer my old fear about using chemical weed killers. I started last weekend in the front yard with that. The weeds now look pretty helpless although I still imagine the hackberry spoutlings to start budding new leaves from the chemically charred carcasses like a phoenix from the ashes. I will give it another week before I make any decisions. The brush killer that I used (I know it was roundup but not the regular variety) said it was not for clearing out new vegetable or flower beds. The concentrate is for that. Hrmmm. I guess shortcuts don't really ever pay.
Lady Jane Grey was blooming this weekend, as was her friend Everest Double Fragrance (did not smell much from him). The Fairy and Vineyard Song made a strong showing. Kordes Perfecta had four fat blooms but he suffered an injury and lost a limb. Inano has one bloom and one on the way. Many bushes seem to be close so I will try to report some during the week. We will see what happens. Humidity has been getting higher so being outside won't be the nicest place this week, but we will see.
That's all for now. I should see what I should do now that my todo list is completely updated and I've read all I can about being organized that I can stand without going stir crazy.