Well, Tonight Thank God It's Them Instead Of You!

Dec 04, 2004 00:49

I'm a little down on myself right now. Please bear with me.

Remember how I said a while back that no matter how the feature turned out, I'd still be mad at myself at the end? I think that's starting to manifest itself. I'll tell the story from the beginning...

When the feature went up, I felt it was my masterpiece. It was something that wouldn't be topped by anybody for a long time. I felt like it was something revolutionary - maybe that's the wrong word, but it was something people could rally behind. And that's exactly what happened.

There are currently 21 letters from readers on the site. Some people are just as outraged as me. Some people work for GameStop and wanted to either share their views or just get their digs in. Either way, it's been a runaway success.

Now, there are a bunch more in my Inbox that I haven't gotten to. It was a busy week and there's a ton of stuff that I haven't been able to attend to. This is one of them. I felt bad about it, and I'm up to Sunday's batch now. I still feel bad about it, actually.

And now, I feel worse.

I was reading Ben Morse's farewell article earlier on the Comics page. Ben got a job at Wizard because of the work he's done for the site. What they've done over there is nothing short of spectacular, and everyone who contributed to Comics should get commended for that. And that Ben's going on to bigger and better things is awesome.

I've realized over the last few months that the dream job for me would be to get paid for doing what I do at InsidePulse. I feel like I've got the ability, but I haven't gotten my break yet. This is the first thing where I've ever really felt like I've been the best and I would love nothing more than to do this professionally. So as I read Ben's piece - which was very well-done, by the way - I began to wonder two things...

- Is something like this ever going to happen for me?
- Am I doing enough to ensure that something like this could possibly happen to me?

It's not a question of ability at this point. I truly feel like I'm up for the challenge, and I think this is what I want to do with my life. Remember in Office Space, where they said that whatever you'd do if you had a million dollars is what your calling is? Well, if I had a million dollars, I'd probably give InsidePulse a weekly column and write a book about the video game industry. So there.

But those questions loom large in my mind. I think that for someone who just turned 23, my stuff has been really great. But I also know that I can't do this for fun forever. In a year and half, I'll be married, and then everything changes. I really can't predict the future, but if something's going to happen, it's pretty much going to have to be by May 2006.

The other major issue is where to go from here. I topped even my own expectations with last month's feature. So now what? I'd love nothing more than to really go in-depth and expand on last month's feature (my pipe dream is to author a book on the subject - stop laughing), but that'd redundant. I really don't know what's next... not that I've run out of things to say, just that I've set the bar so high that I'm not sure where the road will take me next. I have an idea for the December feature, but it's sort of contrived and self-serving and I'm sort of against it. We'll see.

Isn't it so funny - once I finally figure out what I want, I can't figure out how to get it.

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