On Vox: Latest addictions

Apr 14, 2009 04:26

So I've decided I fucking love noise music. There's something about a dude making the most abrasive godawful racket he can manage that's strangely appealing to me. So here's more stuff you should check out that I've been listening to all day:

Merzbow - Okay, this guy has been around forever and I have no excuse for not having looked into his work earlier. This guy has put out probably 200-some releases since the early 80's. His sound tends to be all over the place (at least, within the spectrum of noise), but the goal of it is the same: to wreck your ear drums and make it an oddly compelling listen. Also, to scare your dog. Which brings me to...

Prurient - This shit is like the soundtrack to your worst nightmares. It will also scare your dog. Glitchy, abrasive, and the kind of thing that might keep you up at night or make you paranoid. Possibly the most evil music I've ever heard. And on an unrelated note, this guy also plays in...

Ash Pool - A black metal band that features that sort of raw, almost Ildjarn style production with a twisted pop sensibility. Some of this is upbeat. A lot of punk influence shows through, a la Bone Awl, but far more interesting. It's only tangentally related to noise music, but this also has the potential to scare your dog.

Noise music: good for people. Not so much for dogs.

Originally posted on soup.vox.com
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