happy my birthday!

Feb 21, 2007 15:42

Today is February 21st, the day that people world wide celebrate the day that I graced this earth with my presence. I actually woke up really exhausted though and I am about to go to sleep. at 3 pm. Nevertheless, Wikiing birthdays is SUCH a fun thing to do, so here is what you should know about all those other useless goings on on my day of birth:
Feb. 21 1848- Karl Marx and Freidrich Engles publish the Communist Manifesto.
Feb. 21 1875- Jeanne Calment was born, going on to live for 122 years 164 days, the longest confirmed lifespan for any human being in history.
Feb. 21 1916- World War I: In France the Battle of Verdun begins
Feb. 21 1925- The New Yorker publishes its first issue.
Feb. 21 1947- In New York City Edwin Land demonstrates the first "instant camera", the Polaroid Land Camera, to a meeting of the Optical Society of America.
Feb. 21 1953- Francis Crick and James D. Watson discover the structure of the DNA molecule.
Feb. 21 1965- Malcolm X is assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in New York City by members of the Nation of Islam.
Feb. 21 1971- The Convention on Psychotropic Substances is signed at Vienna.
Feb. 21 1972- The Soviet unmanned spaceship Luna 20 lands on the Moon.
Feb. 21 1986- Nintendo releases The Legend of Zelda.
Feb. 21 1903- Anais Nin was born
Feb. 21 1927- Givenchy was born
Feb. 21 1946- Alan Rickman was born
Feb. 21 1961- Chuck Palahniuk was born
Feb. 21 1987- Ellen Page was born

it is also Language Martyrs' Day
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