(no subject)

Feb 26, 2009 00:36

Been struggling with MSN which has decided to completely give up on me it seems. >_<

Have also been stubborn and fought myself through non-tags-LJ's because there is delicious Akutsu/Dan. ♥
But really, no tags makes me cry!

I love Mister Guesthouse today because he does not kill me when I say that I can't pay my rent. ^^;;; I hate myself for not being able to thou.

I was supposed to correct my speach that I got back yesterday (with not many mistakes, which surprised me). Still worried about maybe having to actually hold the stupid speach, but at the same time really proud that I actually have written a whole speach in japanese!

New calendars babies! I want! Need to take a look at the other news-clips since there seems to be more to see.

Also Uchi Hirocky? Now now. Johnny's. ♥

Realized yesterday that I'm going back to Sweden on a Friday, not Saturday. Would you look at that. haha. I fail. ^^;;;

My last try on MSN and then I guess I should just go to bed. Sleepy, but not in the mood to sleep. I blame me not buying cigarettes before, I always do that when I have just had a smoke and claims to myself that I don't need to smoke more today, which is a complete lie. And I know that! XD

Maybe I should go downstairs and look for Suzuki-san and borrow his pasmo.
I should so quit smoking.

Will be answering last entrys comments. Soon... I do fail at life.

EDIT: Just realized that I wrote Pasmo (which is a train- and buscard) instead of Taspo (which is a card that you need to buy cigarrettes from the vending machines). I wonder how often I do that?

Also, I finally went ahead and de-friended some people that I friended back when I was a complete LJ-newbie and didn't know, I don't know, LJ manners. Feels good to only have mutual friends on my LJ. yeyyey! ^^v

Walk all the way to 7-Eleven (which is really far) at 2.14 in the night to buy cigarettes, or just stay home and obessessing about not having them, but perhaps getting some sleep soon?
Decisions decisions. ^^;;;

akutsu/dan, rl, calendars yes please!, eito, kanjani8, uchi hiroki, prince of tennis

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