They posted class rankings finally last week. Some idiot thought it'd be a kick to mess with the list and put like lowest ranking students in the class at the top of the list. Nick was not happy. Snyder cleared it all up really quick. Nick was top ranked, and will be valedictorian. But as much as I don't get it, it's who Nick is, and this
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Dude, you would make an awesome car salesman or something. If you know I wasn't attached to this life a lot, I would totally sign up for the vamp thing if it's like you explained it. Especially the not being a victim and the no guilt parts.
Cause takin risks is how I met you in the first place. Of course I sorta had a invincibility issue back then too. But you do make a good point. I won't ever know what I can do with this gift I've been given if I don't check it out.
*tilts head again. curious*
Why are you in here. Are you just interested in new age paperweights or are you into magicks?
Take a chance.
Oh yeah, 'm a vampire searching for the perfect paperweight to give the crypt a homely glow. The magick 'o course.
Sadly, the best advice I've gotten in a while. And its from the vamp who tried to eat me a year ago. Talk about circle of life.
*curious again*
You practice magick too? For how long? You live in a crypt?
*opens it and drinks a bit* Course I do. Probably since I was your age. Yeah, what of it?
I try to, but only if the make sense.
Are you a witch too or do you do cast magick? *shrugs* Isn't it kinda, I dunno, dreary? lonely? downright creepy? living in a crypt? I mean okay and what do you do for like entertainment, beside eat people and stuff, you can't have electricity in those things can you? So like no tv or music. That would kinda suck.
Do both, I do. *laughs* Cars were still a new invention when I was alive, I saw your country's bloody Great Depression, all of the world wars, ethnic cleansings and all that...Compared to the last century, livin' in a crypt is lovely, especially when by strange coincidence you get stuck in a concentration camp in Poland for three days in 1941. Sure I got electricity; have a nice telly an' all. *leans very close to her* Well, besides eatin' people, we torture them for entertainment. *laughs*
You've never met Principal Snyder or my 'rents.
*looks at her thoughtfully*
Cool. About the magick thing. I suppose being around that long, you've seen your fair share of stuff, good and bad. I guess if you have electricity and all it'd be no different than living in an apartment, *makes a face* but with like dead people all around you.
*moves back a bit, frowning but curious*
Is it really? Entertaining? Why? Is it like a power thing or is there more to it?
*shrugs* Cat and mouse. You're food, like pigs. It amuses the demon to see you squirm and fear sweetens the taste of your blood. Yeah, it's about power, control.
Okay but theres dead and then there your kind of dead. *kind in a omg but hushed voice* Your quiet roommates are like dead dead. Icky dead. Not coming back and pretty dead. *horrified* And okay that totally just freaks me out, you were like buried? When you woke up did that not completely freak you out? Or as a vamp did that just not bug you?
*makes a face*
So being scared makes us taste better? Like adding spices or bbq sauce to the mix. *makes a face* Sorry! You used the pig analogy first! *shakes head* So it's about power, control. *ponders* How do you pick? Who you're gonna just eat and who you are gonna...have entertain you?
Yeah, sweeter than chocolate and flower wine. Er, something like that, but sweet like candy. Honey ham, perhaps. *leans back, waves the hand with the flask about as she talks* If I fancy them they'll live longer. Mostly if they're pretty or got spunk. Depends on my mood.
Asking a lot of questions, are you thinking of signin' up? *shifts into vamp face* I could 'elp with that if you like. You'd make a very pretty vampire.
Do you have to be buried? I mean if you do the vamp thing? I mean I guess if no one knew you had been turned they would just think you were dead right? So I could see accidentally being buried could happen a lot. But if everyone knew what was happening, it's not like a prerequisite is it. Vamp rule 103 you have to be buried?
So like those who try and fight you might be more interesting?
*makes a face and takes another step back*
Hey! Still on the no eat list, remember. No *holds her hand up* I'm not looking to sign up, but thank you for thinking I'd make a pretty one. I'm just...curious. Why people, vamps, demons *shrugs* do the things they do. Thats one of my major flaw, being curious, I think.
*smiles a little*
Though totally, if I change my mind you totally have first dibs. *tilts head curious* Would you? Turn someone just cause they asked?
Possibly. If I was feelin' in the mood to make them beg.
Yeah, well, just don't go joinin' a cult worshippin' us unless you want to be eaten. Can't help myself then, can I?
Goddess no. I turn very few people unless I need minions quickly and can't bully the locals into the job. I might tell someone I'd turn them and just eat them. Done that before...*thinks, shakes her head*
I don't think I'd wanna meet up with a traditionlist.
I don't think I would ever do that. I have many reasons not to spend too much time around vamps. My boyfriend and vamps dont get along so well. He was almost killed by one and his brother was turned and then staked. Me personally, well you almost ate me that one time and then another time a huge bunch of vamp thought I was the one who gave them their souls and I sorta wished their souls away. If it wasn't for a cute little pixie girl, I'd be vamp food. So yeah, not planning on worshipping them anytime soon.
*smiles apologetically*
Sorry, I would be in huge trouble if I signed up. Besides, as messed up as it is, I'm okay with my life. Being human, that kinda thing.
*curious yet again when she stops midsentence*
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