(no subject)

Nov 13, 2010 09:51

Absinthe and the company of good friends are definitely a healthy remedy. Plus, absinthe leaves you with a clear, not muddled head and no hangover. On the other hand, I'm somewhat dismayed that I woke up at 6:30 a.m., have eaten breakfast with coffee, gotten groceries and it's not even ten a.m.

It occurred to me while I'm in the queue at the supermarket that the mark of your affection for someone is that you'd be willing to give up anything and everything for the person at his or her behest. And the mark of his or her affection for you is that he or she never would ask. God, I'm turning into a Hallmark card, and it's not even Thanksgiving. At least if it was a Peanuts Hallmark card! Good grief.
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