The best laid plans of mice and men...

Oct 17, 2007 20:20

So here i sit, missing "Pushing Daisies" because i am a hermit and the boy that my apartmentmates brought home today is about a thousand times better than the one i met yesterday.  So... they're in the living room... why don't i have a TV in my own room?  Because i would watch it 24/7 and i would never get ANYTHING done.  I'm not kidding.  So... to pass the time while i'm eating dinner... (the plan was... eat dinner while watching Pushing Daisies... and then go back to studying *sadface*)

Comment on this post. I will choose seven userpics from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.


with art by rufftoon
Because Zuko is famazing and rufftoon is FAMAZING and i love her comics.  This one is particularly awesome because it's so out of character for Zuko.  He's always so broody and emo... it's nice to see him all... appalled.  hahaha.

One of my favorite scenes in "Band of Brothers"  Lieb and Web are so awesome in the way they play off of each other AND Skinny wants in on that action.  Plus... P.Teeny is so adorable.  OT3!  :)

lol.  Because Dean is the best!  And he's incredibly quotable.  'nuff said.

I quite liked the 2005 version of "Pride and Prejudice".  Yeah sure... there was the kiss at the end and that's SO not canonical but it was just for some finality.  Personally the best part for me is encompassed in this icon.  The part where Mr. Darcy helps Elizabeth onto the carriage as the Bennetts take Jane home at last.  SO.  CUTE.  And also... i have a hand fetish remember?  >_>

The second and third Matrix movies weren't good because MOUSE WASN'T IN THEM.  The Digital Pimp... hard at work.  Because almost nobody has icons of Mouse... and to deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human!  <3

Because i'm Catholic.  And proud of it.  By proud i mean, i won't attack your beliefs and would gladly appreciate if you didn't attack mine.  And because that rosary has gotten the Winchesters through quite a few scrapes... oh and also Dean is on the other side of that rosary, so... you know... x)

I love Dashboard Confessional.  No, i'm not emo... i just like their music.  And i have an itsy bitsy crush on Chris Carrabba... hehe


LOL.  BECAUSE THIS WAS THE BEST SCENE EVER!!!!  I didn't even really photoshop anything.  this was pretty much canonical as to what went on between Sawyer and Jack.  Sawyer opens up to Jack and says that Jack is his only friend on the island, and Jack gets this ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIED LOOK ON HIS FACE.  I use this one when my own bff is the subject of the post... lol

*directs you above*  What?  Can't a girl <3 tea?  x)

BECAUSE DEMETRI MARTIN IS AMAZING.  So he was talking about how when you have a drink with ice and you finish it and just want to chew on the ice, they always stick to the bottom until all the cubes come rushing at once all over your face.  You kind of have to see him do it.  It's hilarious.  I use this one when drinking is involved in the post (which is like... never...)

art by
saltedpork, icon by
This was a collaborative effort between two of my favorite ladies on LJ.  Also, it's due to my obsession with Peter Petrelli/Sam Winchester.  I'll go into the details more next week for those who are uninitiated... i have a whole list of how they're the same person.  Anyway... Little A and i were talking one day about what would happen if Peter and Sam got into a fight... this was back when Sam still has powers, i guess.  I use this when i'm mad... lol

1) I love Zach.  2) the manatee plan was Zach's... what kind of plan has West come up for Claire, lately?  Oh, that's right, she comes up with her own now.  PFFT.  lol...  3) HE'S IN AN AQUARIUM.  And so i use this icon for a lot of my aquarium-related things...

NIGHTCRAWLER!!!!!!  <3 <3 <3  Kurt Wagner is my favorite X-Man.  Everyone's all like "WOLVERINE!"  "CYCLOPS!"  "PROFESSOR X!"  Whatever, guys, Nightcrawler FTW.  One word sentences to describe the reasons why i love Kurt Wagner and thought he deserved an icon in my arsenal (though i rarely use it) FANGS.  TAIL.  BAMF (not the Bad Ass Motherfucker kind.  No.  I mean it the way it was ORIGINALLY used... to describe Nightcrawlers purple teleportation cloud).  CATHOLIC.  GERMAN.  SWORDS.  ... i'm always afraid people will think i'm into furries because of my Nightcrawler love.  Umm... i'm not.  Also, i like Alan Cumming and all, but... Nightcrawler in the movies was subpar and i don't wish to talk about it.

Just as Sam is the Winchester i tease, Nathan is the Petrelli i tease.  Out of all the people in "Heroes" Nathan has had the most sex... perhaps rivaled by Niki/Jessica, but how can you count her?  She's two people.  Nathan is one.  One man who loves to sow his seeds.  People have actually come to Nathan's defense because of this icon.  Okay, look... i don't HATE Nathan.  All the Petrellis are amazing in their own way.  This is just for lulz.  Take it like a manwhore! x)

icons, meme

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