Feeling up for some hotness?

Oct 17, 2007 18:53

I feel so much better now.  I think that if i ever moved out of California i would miss my bff the most.  Anyway, i feel good enough to make a picspam... i guess i would call it an NBC picspam... pretty much the Heroes cast and three of my favorite SNL boys and THE LONELY ISLAND.

One spoilery pic if you haven't already seen Monday's episode of Heroes...

Firstly, if you haven't seen last week's SNL Digital Short already...

image Click to view

The end = AWESOME.  And also i do believe Jorma makes a cameo.  I've missed your Digital Short cameos, Jorm!

LOL.  I love the second one.  If you haven't seen the Rowlf and the Swedish Chef Sing a Duet skit you SO SHOULD.  Bill Hader wins at life and Andy is ABSOLUTELY THE SWEDISH CHEF.

They look so serious it makes me laugh...

TACO TOWN!!!!!!!  I call them the Taco Town Trio.  x)

LOL.  I need to draw this pose...  Jason Sudeikis looks absolutely AMAZING.

Andy looks like a muppet.  He has a muppet nose when he looks upwards.  <3

LOL no idea...

I wouldn't mind drawing this one either... They're so adorable...

KENSEI VS. HIRO WRESTLING MATCH!!!  WHO WILL WIN?  I dunno.  They both have powers, see?  It might be an IMMORTAL FIGHT.

The photographer is right.  This photo works because their faces ARE PRICELESS!!!

Okay i've seen a picture LIKE this one, but Milo's expression is different (AKA BETTER) in this newer, larger pic. hehe.

Gods... he's such a sexily well-dressed man...

Oh yes.  Sylar in a black wifebeater FTW.

I feel like such a dirty whore... lol.  #gajibbafillion why i don't have a boyfriend... i like too many pretty things.  x)

*flails*  I hope they release all the pictures from this shoot because it looks pretty amazing.

Oh and JUST IN CASE you haven't heard enough of my "But i like Zach SO MUCH MORE than i like West!!!!" whining...

*feral growl*  Nick D'Agosto is cute and all but Thomas Dekker has that fine layer of SCANDALOUS...  Mmmm scandal...

*brain melts*

He looks a little bit like Shane West in this picture... which is slightly awkward.  *scratches head*  Really, Claire?  You really forgot about Zach THAT QUICKLY?  He was ONLY YOUR BFF.

Also on an impulse i decided to see if half.com had the Supernatural Season 1 Companion and they SO DID for like $9, so i totally bought it... heh...  Most ladies go out and buy lots of clothes when they get depressed... i buy lots of books.  x)

the lonely island, milo, picspam, zachary quinto, heroes

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