Life, the universe, and everything

Oct 15, 2007 13:17

Quote of the Week:
Peter Sagal: "Now, panel, how will little kids get back at President Bush?" (because of the vetoing of the health care for poor kids bill)
Mo Rocca: "A group of kids will take him to an island, then gang up on President Bush... or as they call him, Piggy."

*smooshes Mo*  I miss you, Mo.  I wish you were still on The Daily Show, but i suppose i should be content with hearing you on "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" every week.  Yes, i love NPR.  :3  Only the NPR here sucks balls and doesn't get any money so they don't have very many shows.  Quite unfortunate.  Luckily i subscribe to a bunch of NPR/PRI/APM podcasts and they just put up podcasts for Selected Stories, which is a show i ALWAYS tried to listen to on the radio but ALWAYS forgot what time it was on.  So this is awesome!

I'm trying to make some pretty "Nightmare Before Christmas" icons but so far all i have are bases... because it just doesn't look good AT ALL with text.  :\  That's okay.  I REALLY WANT TO SEE "NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS 3D" when it comes out this weekend.  I'm trying to get a whole group to go but as it stands right now it looks like it's going to be me... and a bunch of guys... again.  So if you hang out with a bunch of guys all the time, why is your boyfriend still imaginary?  Whoa, whoa, whoa.  I never said they were good looking guys!  Okay it's what's on the inside that counts, right?  This is only partially true.  I have to agree with Denis Leary on this subject... if you're not physically attracted to a person, don't even bother entering into a romantic relationship with them.  Conversely if you're super hot but you're also an assface, that's not going to work either.  *scratches head*  Yeah, my standards are a little high... *glowers at Jensen*  This is partially your fault, you know... x)

It's incredibly dreary outside.  This is one of those days where you really don't feel like doing anything except curling up and reading a good book... which might actually be beneficial to me considering i haven't even really delved very deeply into The Iliad and no i don't know how many times i've read it, but i think it's more of me skimming it rather than actually reading it.  I don't really have time to READ IT.  I think this time around i like Achilles a little more.  Our professor has painted him in a more sympathetic light, mostly because she throws in a lot of Greek words and stresses the importance of philotes (brotherly love/honor towards your comrades) in the Greek culture.  Ooouu... look at me, picking up fancy words!  I think i'm going to study in the library this afternoon, finish up my ecology flashcards and plan out which days i'm going to record for my Nutrition Project... i'm thinking of recording the three days in which i'll be going home this month since it seems that those would be my healthiest-looking days.  xP  And i need to finish doing my Ecology flashcards... at the VERY least from Thursday's lecture.  Midterms are next week... *iz ded*  For the next two or three weeks i think i'm going to limit my TV intake to the shows that i ABSOLUTELY NEED to watch (Supernatural, Pushing Daisies, The Office, Heroes, Avatar).  We'll see how long it is before i go insane.

Ugh.  I NEED TO FIGURE OUT WHAT I'M DOING WITH MY LIFE!!!!  The thing that bothers me the most right now is as soon as i'm out of school, i'm no longer covered under my parents' health insurance... this is one of those times where universal health insurance would be AWESOME.  Maybe i should join the Peace Corps.  That could be interesting...

quote of the week, life

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