"What do you say to someone who's the complete polar opposite of you?" "Let's make like magnets!"

Oct 15, 2007 18:00

Just an old meme i found lying around. I figured it would be interesting to do at the beginning of this new season of shows. :)Name six tv shows you're watching this season (before looking at the questions):

1. Pushing Daisies
2. The Office
3. Heroes
4. Supernatural
5. Avatar: The Last Airbender
6. CSI: NY

01. Who is your favorite character from #2? (The Office) Whooooa... Okay each character in "The Office" has their own thing that i love about them.  Except that i would truly hate to meet a person like Michael or Dwight in real life.  I would have to say that i love Jim the most.  He's the most normal.  And he's got that adorable "WTF? Well, what can i do..." face.  And also his love for Pam.  :3

02. Who is your least favorite character from #4? (Supernatural) Erm... the YED?  lol  I love Dean, Sam, and the Metallicar, so i might as well not like the bad guy...

03. What would a crossover between #1 and #5 include? (Pushing Daisies and Avatar) ... Whooooa.  First of all, Emerson would freak out.  But then he could knit everyone Fire Nation clothes... although i don't know why he WOULD since the Fire Nation is very warm.  Ned could bring all the allies that got killed back to life (i.e. Jet?  Suki?  WHO KNOWS?)... preferably around some mean Fire Nation dudes so that the resulting deaths aren't in vain.  He can also talk to Katara about the merits of bringing the dead back to life or something.  I don't really know.  Sokka will be upset by this.  Chuck will make friends with Toph and Katara, esp. Toph, who will take a liking to her immediately.  I'm just making shit up...

04. Who is your favorite ship from #6? (CSI: NY) Lindsay/Danny... although i can see how the Danny/Flack slash would be possible, i'm not into non-canon slash.  sorry.

05. If you were to set one person from #3 and one person from #6 on a blind date, who would they be? (Heroes and CSI: NY)  Oh wow... um... Okay after much deliberation (and the fact that i feel bad for Stella having dated awful people during the course of the show) i would set Stella up with Mohinder.  It works cuz they're both in NY, Mohinder is already kind of married to an NYPD police officer, AND they're both scientists.  It'll be awesome!

06. If you could meet one person from #4 and spend the day with them, who would it be, and what would you do? (Supernatural) Wait, you even have to ASK?  Dean, of COURSE.  I have it all planned out.  We'd get up bright and early in the morning (aka 11 AM) and have a cup of coffee (as we are both junkies...).  We'd joyride in the Metallicar for a while, have a delicious lunch full of huge sandwiches in a park somewhere.  And then lots of things that are inappropriate to put in my LJ until we are both exhausted.  xP

07. If you could change one thing about #2's plot line, what would you change? (The Office) Change the plotline of "The Office"???  They do such a good job referring back to all the previous episodes.  I don't think i would change ANYTHING except i don't want the show to suffer just because Jim and Pam are finally together.  So far, that hasn't been a problem at all.  I would give Andy Bernard more screen time.  Does that count?  x)

08. Explain a relationship between two people (not necessarily romantic) from show #5, and why you like the relationship between them. (Avatar) ... we all know that i ship Zutara.  The opposites attract thing is what everyone uses but it's kind of easy and cliched, although i have to say that a lot of my OTPs attracted me because of such a balance.  And if Avatar has taught me anything it's that there must be balance in the world.  Also, Zuko and Katara have a lot in common despite the fact that they're from completely opposite cultures.  They both lost their mothers to the Fire Nation, they both have Daddy Issues, they both have spirit alter-egos (Zuko = The Blue Spirit, Katara = The Painted Lady)... SYNERGY!!!

09. If the lead title characters (first name in the credits) from #1 and #3 were both drowning, and you could only save one, who would it be? (Pushing Daisies and Heroes) Um... i'm going to have to go with the credit order on imdb because i'm not sure EXACTLY how they're listed in the show... So you're asking me if i would save Claire or Ned... well, Claire can save her goddamn self so i would save Ned.  Or if drowning kills Claire permanently, i would STILL save Ned and then he can bring her back to life.  I don't think it'd be a big deal if he never had to touch her again although conversely that would mean someone else would die... ummm... whatever.  Claire is expendable...

10. If you could change the title characters' order in the credits for #4, what order would you choose?  (Supernatural) Oh.  How did you know i had issues with that???  LOL.  Because Jared is always listed first and THEN Jensen.  Don't they usually do that by last name?  Or at the very least make them switch on and off.  Just sayin'...

11. If you were able to add a new character, any kind of character you wanted, to the storyline for #6, what would the character be like, and what would their role be? (CSI: NY)  Well... they say Carmine Gio-ican'tspellhislastname is one of the few (is the only?) person to have ever been in all three CSIs.  If David Anders (aka KENSEI!!!) guest stars on CSI: NY as pretty much ANYTHING he will also have such a record.  So... any kind of character David Anders can play, i guess.

12. What happens in your favourite episode of show #3? (Heroes) We see what the future would've been like if NY had actually blown up.  That episode was shown on mine and Adrian Pasdar's birthday and it was pretty famazing and mind-blowing.  In the end that future never happened but it was still quite a trip.

13. If you could kill off one of the characters in #1, who would it be and how would you do it? (Pushing Daisies) I guess i would kill Olive... not that i want to but just because everyone else isn't expendable to me.  I guess she could die of pie poisoning... it'd be a nice way to go, full of pie.

14. If you got the chance to visit the set for either show #3 or show #5, which would you choose? (Heroes or Avatar) I'm not even sure Avatar HAS a set, but i would visit the Heroes set HANDS DOWN because the cast is just that awesome.

15. If you could date anyone from any of these shows, which show and which person? Oh the answer for this question is still the same as it was last time.  Dean Winchester from Supernatural.  He has his badassery moments but we all know he's a big softie on the inside.  A big, fricking sexy, softie...


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